I Die (Literally)

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This music is amazing; I would recommend listening to it to calm down. Fan art not done by me, I'm not that good. Thank you for reading this, hope you enjoy!!


"Rachel, I'll be fine." I insist, shaking Rachel's hands off my shoulders.

"Percy, please. Don't fight! I can tell this will be a battle you don't come back from." Rachel begged, her eyes pleading. I just sigh and shake my head slightly, a sad smile on my face.

"Beckendorf, Silena, Micheal- they all gave their lives to a good cause, and I don't put myself above anyone else. If I die, and we win, all the better! I'm not as important as the entire world." I said this jokingly, but honestly, the idea of dying terrified me. I know, I'm a hero, blah blah blah, but for some reason I've always had the feeling I wouldn't make it to Elysium. Does Hades count killing monsters as sins? I wouldn't know.

"Percy, we need you." Rachel told me. The fiery passion in her eyes was almost as flaming as her hair. 

"How do you know I will die?" I demanded, although even if she suddenly emitted a prophecy it wouldn't stop me fighting. "Did you get a prophecy, or just a feeling?"

That seemed to anger her. Oh, boy. "I am the Oracle of Delphi." Rachel snarled, sudden power in her words, "I am the Keeper of Prophecies. I serve the god Apollo himself. Of course I know." 

"Rachel." I say, placing my hands on her shoulders, "You won't stop me from fighting. Zeus himself couldn't stop me from protecting my home. Well, he could, but forcefully. Please, let me do this? Maybe I'll be fine." I could hear the doubt in my own words. 

"Percy... just, don't die, okay?" 

I nodded weakly, turning to go. "I should go get ready. They're probably already gathering." Rachel said nothing as I left, brushing past me deeper into her cave. I emerged from the purple curtain, looking out over Camp Half-Blood. The scent of strawberries hung in the air, the golden fleece making the grass grow greener, the trees lusher, the whole scene overall prettier. If I die fighting for this place, I thought, that wouldn't be such a bad thing. 

Hurrying down the hill, I caught Annabeth planning with her Athena brothers and sisters on a picnic table. "Planning to eat a nice picnic while you strategize for war?" I joked as I jogged lightly towards them. A couple of the blonde haired kids shot me mildly annoyed looks, but Annabeth looked up from the map she was examining to kiss my cheek, which made my whole day better instantly.

"Go put your armor on, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth replied, gesturing to my Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and jeans with her drakon bone sword. After fighting through Tartarus with it, she'd decided to keep it after all. 

I shrugged and started towards Cabin Three, leaving Annabeth to strategize. I passed a couple people I knew on the way, but everyone looked so grim, so ready for war, that I didn't stop to say hello.

"Hey, Tyson." I said automatically, striding into my cabin. It took me a moment to realize Tyson wasn't there. "Uh, nevermind." I muttered, starting to strap my armor on already. A loud conch horn sounded, pulling me out of my thoughts. The army? They're supposed to be here tomorrow! I thought, momentary panic shooting through me. 

"Percy! PERCY!" My head swiveled towards Jason's voice, and I registered his tense stance in the doorway. "Thank gods, I've been yelling your name! Dude, the army's here early, we don't know how!"

"Do we have any clues on who sent them yet?" I asked, my brain filtering into battle mode.

"No, we're as stumped as yesterday. I do have some information, though. They picked up some new bad guys on the way. Hellhounds, cyclopes, earthborns, you name it. I'm getting terrible flashbacks looking at this." Jason's eyes flicked down to my chest. "You better hurry up putting on your chest plate; they're at the base of the hill." 

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