chaptur for: aminal crosing!!

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"ok eveywon tim to chek out da vilagers!!" vinnnny went an talked to scoot furst becuz vinnny and scoot r best bros 4 lyfe!! :3 he told scoot how mush he luvs him!! <333 da chet assked were chery went and binyot replied wit "hmm... dats a gud questchin chet..... let's go c" an so vinnnny serched hi an low for chery... but.... she wus no were to b fond!! oh no!!!! were could hav she gon to?? :( it turn out dat chery moved away!!! dis made vinnnny angery grrrr >:( but also sad... :'( chet wus hartbroken an so wus vinnny </3 "oh chery... i wil nevr forget yuo...."


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