How's the boot for ya

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This is another short story i wrote, i think i was thirteen when i wrote this one :)


 We walked through Ashlea Marias front gates and into a riot. So many people! I'd forgotten parties were like this, beer bottles scattered the front lawn, there was broken glass everywhere. Different groups of the teenagers were roaming about and I could see a fight breaking out in the distance. The music pumped loudly, it pounded against my ear drums and made them throb.

All this took me a few seconds to observe and take in and then I moved onto bigger things, like the size of Ashlea’s house. It was MASSIVE, three stories high, they lived on about four acres of land and their pool looked 20 meters long and probably 10 meters wide! The guests certainly had a lot of places to explore, not that I am a guest, this is the first party I’ve crashed in years.
Ashley was standing on the grass staring at me as if to say, “Well what now?”
I took a deep breath and shouted over the music, “Come on Ash, let’s rock this Partyy!”
She looked at me, nodded and together we walked towards the intimidating large house.

I noticed that I wasn’t the only person that had crashed, there were heaps of people that had.
“Umm, Sam, I’m going to the toilet, you okay by yourself?” Ash asked.
“Yeah I’m all goood” I stated with a grin.
“Oh, ohkayy” she turned and headed for the bathroom.
What to do now? I glanced around for something interesting to do. There were some couples cuddling and making out in the corner, I couldn’t see anything worth doing alone though. So I just stood there, by myself, like a loner. Then I saw someone walking towards me, not just any someone either, but a guy! He was all in black and he's skinny jeans looked so good on him. He walked with purpose, straight towards me, his blue eyes boring into mine. This is it I thought, he’s not from my school, he doesn’t know how low on the food chain I am. I’ll get him to like me.
“Yo, you looking fine tonite!” he spoke to me loudly. I noticed some couples break apart to look at who he was talking to.
“Hahaa, thanks you” I flirted.
“You want some punch?” he swayed slightly as he said this.
“Hmm. Ohkay.”
he thrust the punch in his hand at me and I could see little areas of his spit floating round in there.
“Umm. O, o ohkay.” I stuttered. Well I didn’t want to be rude, so I had a little, it tasted good, so I had some more and more and more, until I’d downed the lot.
“You like?” he asked.
“I feel so alive” I laughed and smiled at him.
“I had a feeling you would.”
Something in his expression looked like he knew something I didn’t, it made me uncomfortable, but then he said, “Come on, come with me,” he grabbed my hand and started pulling me with him. My heart was racing, I was so thrilled. This sexy looking guy wanted me to come with him! Then I thought about Ashley, she wouldn’t know where I’d gone. So I resisted.
“Nooo, I’m sorry, I have to wait for my friend.”
“It's okay, I already told her your coming with me.” He said softly.
“You did?” I enquired.
“Sure did babe.”
I never thought about how, or when he could've told her, my vision had started going blurry and I wasn’t thinking straight.

He took me outside and we sat down on a bench near a really pretty water fountain.
He started talking about something, but I couldn’t hear him, then he was laughing at himself. I didn’t even get the joke, my head throbbed, it hurt so badly!
“ I don’t feel good at all, do you have panadol?” I mumbled to him.
“Sure do babe, one left , just for you.” He pulled out a small blue pill and handed it to me.
“Baby just pop it in and it'll dissolve.”
Sure anything to make my throbbing headache go away. I plopped it on my tongue and it broke down fast.
“How are you feeling now?” he asked.
I couldn’t respond, I was having enough trouble breathing. I clenched onto his shoulder and squeezed as hard as I could, but it was pathetic, he wouldn’t even have felt it I was so weak. After that, everything started going so fast, things appeared to be flying everywhere and then I blacked out.

The next thing I knew I was lying on a rough surface bouncing around in pitch blackness. My head throbbed and I lacked focus. Where am I? I tried to lift my hand to explore where I was but they were tied together with rope, as were my legs! What the hell is going on?! I tried to cry out for help, but there was nothing to be heard, thanks to a large piece of torn clothing stuffed inside my mouth which was also the cause of a lot of dried up drool now being covered in fresh spit. Gross. I put all my efforts into not freaking out. In a situation like this (whatever this is) you just can’t freak out so I was fairly calm. I thought for a while about the motions I could feel and sense and about my surroundings (that I couldn’t see) I came to the conclusion I was in a car or truck in the.. Boot? I wondered where I was being taken and by who. I couldn’t remember much of the before events, just that id crashed some party and met someone, someone.. Special? Or not? I couldn’t recall.

I could sense that the vehicle I was in was moving fast, too fast. Thankfully I don’t think I was the only person who noticed it, because at that instant, sirens blared. Was it a police car? Please, please, PLEASE be a police car!!! A few seconds later I had forces pushing me forward, therefore, the car was slowing down. Oh My God, yes! This could be my time to escape, or be saved. I felt the car come to a halt.

A loud male voice was saying “Are you aware that you were driving 48 kilometres of the legal limit for this area Sir?”
“I sure was.” Said another voice (it sounded familiar, hmm).
“Sir, Are you drunk?” the man was beginning to sound quite aggravated, “ I'm going to have to ask you to get out of your car.”
The car shuddered as the door clammed closed. This was my chance, and I was going to take it. I banged my joint hands and feet on the metal and shrieked. The shriek was hard to hear because of this stupid thing in my mouth, but it was obviously heard.
“Bloody Hell!” the officer exclaimed! “Open your boot!”
There was a pause were no sound was made. Then.
There was some clanging and I shivered at the noise but suddenly moonlight filled the trunk and shined into my face as the boot was opened. Turns out there were two police officers, because as one was shouting at my kidnapper another was helping me to scramble out of the boot.
“ DOWN ON THE GROUND! NO. ALL THE WAY DOWN!” the policeman was shouting and pointing his gun at the man.
I looked around, but it seemed all too much to take in and I was still so dizzy and confused. Yet again I fainted. 

I awoke in hospital a few hours later. Apparently I had been drugged. Stupid me! I probably wasn’t careful enough. I was trying not to think about what he wanted me for, it was so sickening. I don’t know what’s going to happen to him, but I sure hope he’s going to jail. So I will be his last ever victim. I have to stay in hospital until the drug fully wares off and so I’ve been writing down notes

·         Never go off with people I don’t know (or even don’t know well)

·         Don’t accept drinks from others at parties

·         Always stick with a friend or two

·         ... (still thinking about this one Hahaa)

God please help me remember these, as being drugged isn’t a very nice feeling.

-Sammynet :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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