Loving is not the same as Crushing

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this is my first story so please sopport me on this! <3

Luv ya


Chapter 1

I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door

"who is it?" i asked

"Ann Hun, you have to get ready for school" i hear mom say

"kay, im up" i said sleepily

i got up and put on my fuzzy slippers before walking to the bathroom. i entered and took a quick shower, i washed my hair with my favorite shampoo and Conditioner, when i was done rinsing, i scrubbed the rest of my body. then i left the bathroom after rinsing my whole body.

i dried myself before putting on my skinny black jeans and a cute blue shirt that held me right. the i put my hair into a clean ponytail, after i was done i put on a cute pink shade of lipgloss, some mascara, and eyeliner. i was ready to go.

"mom im ready' i said as i headed down stairs

"okay, well eat some breakfast before you leave" she said busyily on the phone

but i didnt listen, i took my bag and went to school with my new car

when i got there, i went straight to the office

"hi, i'm here to pick up my schedual" i said to the secretary

"oh, you must be Lillyan Stevenson, nice to meet you hun" she said giving me a sweet smile

"thanks" was all i said returning her smile

"well, here you go, do you want anyone to show you around?" she said handing me my schedual

"no, its okay, i can find my own way" i said remembering that the principle gave me a tour two days ago.

"okay" she said hesitating as i left and walked around the hallway, when i reached my class i tapped twice on the door

"Oh, come in Lillyan" said the teacher as i opened the door and walked up to him

"Class, this is Lillyan, our new student and i want you all to be nice to her" ...... wellllll, this was awkward...... :/

"Hi" i said

"take a seat where ever you would like" he said

"okay" i said

"oh and my name is Mr. Daniels" he said and i just walked over the the back of the class next to the window

"Well, since we have a new student i will give you all a free period to get to know her" he said and walked over to his desk to go on his computer

"hey" said a guy i didnt know

"hello" i said shyly

"are you a slut?" he asked

"No, why would you even think that?" i asked angry

"to bad.... we could of had fun" he said with a smirk

"ewwww!" i said disturbed

"Thanks" she said turning away

"HI!!!!" said a hyper voice

"hey" i said feeling comfortable that she was a girl

"I'm Elizabeth" she said

"Hi Elizabeth, I'm Lillian" i said smiling

"AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! what a cute name!!! can i call you lilly... and maybe you can call me Elly?" She said excited

"sure" i said happily

"YAY!!!!! we can be the best of friends!!!" she said

"HA, sure thing" i smiled

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- after class ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Second period - Art

everyone sat down and the teacher told us to draw whatever and express ourselves, which wasnt that easy since i was an amazing artist.

as i was about to start i noticed that i didnt have a paint brush so i looked on the floor to check if i dropped it but instead i saw legs walking near me

"Hello, would you like to use mine?" said a HOT british accented guy! i looked up to see a guy in a white buttoned up shirt, blue jeans, his hair was messy and kinda long, and layered... his eyes were a hot hazel color and his lips were as pink as pink could be.

"ummmmm, thanks" i said taking the paint brush slowly and he gave me a sweet smile

"I'm Leam" she said offering me his hand (Leam, as in Le-Um... just incase you didnt know"

"I'm Lillyan" i said taking his hand.

"thats a beautiful name, almost as beautiful as you" she said in a low voice which really brought out his accent

"thank you" was all i can say

"may i sit beside you?" he asked

"yup, sure" i said

"thank you dear" he smiled that sensear smile that i am falling in love with

------------------------------------------------------ after class------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"What did you paint?" he asked smiling

"a beautiful sunset, what about you?" i said awkwardly

"i drew the most beautiful thing anyone can lay their eyes on..... you" he said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2010 ⏰

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