Chapter 1

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(I'm not going to lie, Luxmaefu wrote like half of this)

           "Hello! And welcome to Poisoned Waffle, 2017!"
    "Today is a great day."
    "The day of strange internet people and their questions."
    "Well... Let's get right into it!" Mae picked up her phone from her desk and pulled up twitter.
    "Am I the only one that's slightly scared?" Rose said, laughing.
    "Nope! Although, I'm more worried about next week!"
    "You've got that right." Rose layed back on Mae's bed and waited for her friend to find the first question.
    Mae and Rose were going to move to LA next week because Rose had gotten a new job opportunity.
    "Okay, first question! 'What was one of the most embarrassing moments of your middle school career?'" Mae looked at Rose.
    "Before the 6th grade even started teachers would have a small meeting for all the students to show them around the school. At one point I was in a classroom with about 20 other kids and the teacher was talking about getting to know each other and then she switched to roll call randomly and I didn't realize it." Rose paused for a moment as if trying to forget the horrific moment. "I was the first one to be called and I stood up in front of the whole class and started to introduce myself, but the teacher said 'No we're doing roll call' and the class started laughing. Basically I had embarrassed myself before the first day of school." Rose finished. Mae sighed. She was next.
    "Well... I was in 7th grade, and I had recently found out I had a tic. That's T-I-C, not T-I-C-K. It's like a spasm, like... an involuntary movement. Anyways, I started doing it in class, and the girl standing next to me yelled really loud, 'WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?? ARE YOU POSSESSED BY A DEMON???' And backed up doing a cross with her fingers. The teacher yelled at me for disturbing the class, and everyone looked at me. But then I handed her the note my mom wrote and she felt horrible. It all was okay and I got out of doing some work." Mae shrugged.
"Mine's not as good as yours."
    "It's fine! I wish we had a video of you ticing! It would be really funny. You looked possessed!" Rose yelled, shaking Mae by the shoulders. Mae glared at Rose jokingly, before scrolling down to find another
"'Are you guys going to vidcon this year?' Yes! We are! And were going to be a lot closer, so we're going every year from now on!"
"Oh, yeah!" Rose suddenly shouted. "We're moving to LA!"
"Yup! That probably should have come up sooner... I was going to make a video about it tomorrow or later today, but I guess this works too!"
"Now, we're moving for two reasons. One, because I got a new job opportunity in LA," Rose said with a happy grin growing on her face. "And," continued Mae, "We will be closer to a few YouTubers!"
"Tythan for life!" Screeched Rose, flailing her arms around and successfully falling of the bed. Mae began to laugh and managed to gasp out between breaths, "Are you ok?!" 
Rose groaned dramatically and clutched onto Mae's wrist, dragging her onto the floor. Mae cursed, as she felt a sharp pain travel up her spine from where she had landed. 
"That hurt!"
"You'll be fine... I think," Rose smiled innocently when Mae sent her a look before climbing onto the bed. Rose raised her arm, expecting Mae to grab it and help her up, instead Mae smiled down at her innocently. Rose pouted slightly before following and sitting on Mae's bed.
"Next Question!" Mae said picking up her from the bed, "How did you two meet?"
"Oh no," Rose groaned burying her face into her hands.
"Oh come on it's not that bad,"
"Yes it is"
Mae pushed Rose's shoulder slightly.
"Just tell them!" Mae groaned.
Rose took a deep breath and began. "I met Mae" - she made quotation marks with fingers at the word met - "During 3rd grade, at the time I had moved to a new school and had no friends. At that point I was done trying to make friends so I just settled for the loner life. I started to observe a lot more because I could do nothing else. One day I observed Mae, I saw her and I was like 'she's a loner too but she wears it with style, I'm gonna stalk her.' I did just that. I stalked her."
Mae snorted shook her head it was pitiful that Rose thought she was cool in the slightest...



"That's it, Mae!" Rose called out as she closed the car with their luggage. She sighed with relief. The luggage had been heavier than what was normal because of the recording equipment. They would've had a couple of their friends help them but they were all busy with their jobs and Rose and Mae couldn't take seeing their sad faces again. It had been hard enough telling them goodbye the first time.
"Wait one second!" Mae called from inside the house. Rose sighed, one second would mean 10 more minutes, she knew that for a fact so she leaned against the car door and closed her eyes. It was too bright for her taste.
As Rose had anticipated, Mae came out 10 minutes later, camera in hand. She grinned at Rose even though you could see the small tears in the corner of her eyes. Rose knew that she wasn't sad about leaving the house in particular, she was sad she was leaving the memories.
Rose smiled softly at her.
"We'll come back one day. I promise." Rose said bringing her into a tight hug. Mae sniffled quietly before nodding.
"Yeah, ok" Mae said wiping her eyes, she breathed in deeply, a bright smile made its way onto her face and held up a camera.
"Let's take a picture in front of the house, I don't want to forgot what it looks like."
Rose nodded and the two of them stood in front of the house, smiling like idiots.

This is shit. Other then the part Mae wrote of course.


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