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 THE MARTELL FAMILY stood out on their balcony, looking outwards the capital. Over their city. It was a cloudy, but nice day. It was all about to change. The royal family could sense that, but the people. The citizens had no idea about how much it would change. The fog was coming. Once again.

 It turned out bad. A bloodbath. Hundred thousand citizens died in the autumn fog. Brutally murdered or deadly sick, and no one could figure out why. One of the hundred thousand, was the King. When the fog vanished, the country was in sorrow. They had lost their great ruler, their trusted King Kern.

 The Queen, Astrid, took care of the country for twenty years. Those twenty years it took for the heir to grow up.

 TWENTY YEARS passed like it was nothing. The Queen had watched her son and daughter grow up. Both of them were loved by the country. But one day the young prince got taken away and hidden from the people. It was all necessary. The people started forgetting about the young prince.

 The big day suddenly arrived. The crowning ceremony. Dovia and Myrell would finally get a new king. People from everywhere had travelled to the capital to wish him welcome.

 Queen Astrid stepped out on the balcony together with Lilith, her now grown daughter, proudly waving to the people. The citizens cheered loudly for their queen, and even louder for the Princess.

 After a few minutes, a priest stepped outside as well. He was wearing a black, dress-like clothing, and a hat with a weird sign on it. The priest walked forward. Right behind him, was the Prince.

 His style was toned down compared to what was normal for a crowning. Simple, yet formal. His dark, almost black hair was short and a little choppy cut, unlike his sister's long and blonde hair. The Prince's eyes tired and had a deep brown colour. He seemed to be calm. Something about him told the people exactly that. Calmness and pride. He glanced over to his sister, whi was smiling brightly at her brother. The time was come.

 By now the crowd had silenced. The priest stepped forward again, and started shouting in a strange, yet familiar language; latin. It was the only language that was used in formal settings, even though only people of nobolity was taught this language.

 A break from the shouting was taken, and the Prince stepped forward, smiling softly to the people. The crowd started cheering again, looking at their king to be.

 Moments later, the cheering silenced once again. The priest turned to the Prince. He started telling blessings in Latin, directly to the Prince. When the smaller man stopped talking, the Prince knelt down to his knees for the final part of the ceremony. He waited.

 A female servant made her way out on the balcony. In her hands she was carrying a red pillow with a jewellery on top of it. The royal crown.

 The crown had been made thousands of years ago, of pure white gold. It was decorated with diamonds and emeralds, pointing at how rich the Dovian people were.

 The female servant knelt to her knees as well, lifting the pillow up for the priest to take. Queen Astrid was ready to let go of her title as queen, and embrace the title as a King's mother. No word could describe how proud she was, looking at her son taking such a responsibility. Also, Lilith felt proud and joyful on this day. Better years were to come. She felt it.

 The priest picked up the crown and placed it on the Prince's head. The crowd was dead silent. But only for so long. The priest dipped his thumb in holy water and blessed the now new King. The Princess was almost jumping out of joy, but she knew she had to keep it professional.

 Outwards the city, one could see and hear the crowds cheering lihdly. Everyoke except a certain group of people. They were silent. Looking only. The King stood up and looked out over the city again. «Bless you, your Grace» the older man smiled.

 «King Lucien Martell, first of his name! Ruler of Dovia and Myrell, the lands of white gold!»


 «How do you feel?» Nik asked as he sat down in a fancy, red chair, inside the cosy chamber. It was night-time, and the castle was being heated up by the fireplaces. Lucien sat in the other side of the chamber, writing. «What do you mean?» He turned around and looked at the man in the fancy chair. Nik tilted his head. «Oh, come on, Lucien» he said in a sarcastic tone. He stood up and walked closer to the new king.

 The light made Dominik Blanque's green eye seem almost black. The other was white as always. It was looking disturbing, and one never got used to the creepy outfall of the accident.

 Dominik leaned closed to the King. «You're king now. What do you want to do?» Nik smirked while staring Lucien in the eyes. Lucien snorted. «I want to make sure the fog never comes again»

A/N; I was only editing spelling mistakes, as I wrote this late at night. Forgive me *smiles awkwardly*

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