∞ 87//Something I Just Need to Say ∞

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Hello, my lovely signers. So, today I don't have a video tutorial or picture. This is obviously not a ranting book, but it is related to sign language, and this is just an opinion that I know many of you may have as well. I would really like it if you could read it till the end. 

I've heard from many people and some of you commented as well, that there's always someone who seems to have a closed mind when it comes to learning ASL. They tend to tell you that it is "pointless" to learn if you're a hearing person. You may look crazy if you can hear yet you sign. Okay, first of all, I always explain to people the reason why I started in the first place, but I guess I should explain since it wasn't clear. 

Most of you know that I found absolute fascination with the fact that you get to talk with something more than just using your mouth. I believed it was something more than amazing to be able to communicate with someone that unfortunately can't hear you. This is a way to be more including towards others and is something new that you can either do as a hobby or professionally. I first started in 2015 and have been practicing and teaching myself. I watched different YouTubers, downloaded ASL apps, and I wrote this book to help others start their journey as well. Besides that this book made me learn even more as well since it gave me an excuse to research more about ASL. 

We're all here to learn and I know I'm going to have mistakes along the way. I hate it when there are some people that are not able to comprehend that we're just having fun plus giving something back to the community. There is a growing number of ASL interpreters that have come so far without caring what people say, why would I listen to the ones that try to take away one of the things that give me joy? The answer is simple, I shouldn't. . . Neither should you. 

If you enjoy signing, you have fun with it, and you just want to learn something new, then stop listening to the ones that are so grumpy and bored with their lives. 

Besides, is not an easy thing to do, and if you're able to sign then you're different from the rest. Believe me, sign language might not be the most common job to apply on, perhaps not every teenager is doing it, but you can get a lot of things out of knowing how to do ASL or any type of sign language you are learning. I am sick of people always believing that is a waste of time, IT IS NOT. And yes, as stated before, I will have mistakes, but that's how you learn. In this book, we're all here to get something out of ASL. I started it, as you already know, to share with the Wattpad community what I've been learning. Right now, all of this mainly and solely for fun purposes.

I always stated that if you don't believe that this being helpful for you, then I am not forcing you to read it. You clicked on it, you started it, and if you're not getting anything out of it, then you can kindly leave and keep your own journey through the rest of amazing books here on Wattpad. 

Anyway, I do appreciate all the repercussions that this book has been getting since like a year ago. I mean, over 15k reads now. I am so grateful for the sweet comments, the questions you have, and your constant eagerness of learning something new. I love all of my signers! This book wouldn't have gone far without any of you. I always tell you that if you have any questions or any recommendations, you can leave them all here, because you're helping not only me but everyone who comes in and join. We're all here to learn and have fun in the process. Wattpad has helped me meet many amazing people around the globe and I share something in common with the readers in this book--we all want to learn ASL, or at least getting familiar with the language. 

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I will still be posting--this is not a farewell. I enjoy doing this and I will never care what others think about it. I clicked publish to share my thoughts, my learnings, and have fun, that's what Wattpad is all about. Not everyone will agree but this is just my opinion. 

I'm sorry that this is not the usual update that some of you may have been expecting, but it is something I've been wanting to say for a while now. I love you guys, I mean it. 

Thank you for everything! 

XO 💕

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