Hi guys, I'm not dead (yet)!! I've just been lurking in the shadows.
So, I hear you tell me, what's happening?
Well, quite a lot, actually.
- First of all, I haven't been working on {STGH} because my laptop broke. Completely busted. So that's gone in to repair. I've got a loan though, so that's cool!!
"But STR!! Why can't you just write it on your phone/loan laptop???"
Silly me forgot to back up the entire folder I had for it, haha. I had a complete plan for the book, start to finish and I didn't save it in my Google Drive.
#1 rule - always save stuff twice!! Check that it's been saved to your USB/drive and then save it again!! (I do this when writing in Word. Instead of saving twice, I spam Ctrl+S too much.)
- Secondly, NaNoWriMo is coming up!! I am super excited as this is gonna be my first time writing a 50,000 word book in a month. During that month (November), obviously {STGH} will have to wait. Knowing me, I'll probs be working on the book then I'll get a really good idea and I won't complete NaNo...
But anyway, to those who are doing it, I wish you luck!! And to those who are considering it, I say go for it! I've gotta juggle the book with study/certs and work, so I think you'll be able to do it too!!
- Lastly, as I just mentioned, I got a job!! It's working at a café, and I've been going for this job for ages!
Anyways, I wish you guys luck and happiness for eternity!
Peace out!
Authors' Notes
AlteleJust a collection of my notes. If you're waiting for something, or wondering why something isn't updated, check here. I only made this because I hate having to read the Authors Notes at the start/end. Well, no. I don't actually mind it, but it just...