
147 3 1

dance-monster added  little prince

dance-monster added  sugamon  

dance-monster added  j-nope

dance-monster added  princess jin 

dance-monster added kookie 

dance-monster  taetae 

sugamon: namjoon why did you make this gc  

dance-monster: so i could watch and kept an eye on you guys  

j-nope: but what with these names and why j-nope for 

little prince: i like my name it cute like me 

princess jin: i don't mind mine  

kookie: mines just my nickname so i don't mind  

taetae: yeah same kookie   

dance-monster: hey it better than what i was going to put jhope 

j-nope: really what was so bad that you didn't want to put it as my name  

sugamon: yeah you have to tell us now  

little prince: please tell us 

kookie: i wanna know now 

taetae: same kookie  

princess jin: umm i don't think you want to know he told me and it bad  

dance-monster: yeah it bad    

j-nope: no tell me please  

dance-monster: ugh fine i'll tell you guys i was going to put your name as j-hoe 

j-nope: ugh but why im not a hoe tho  

dance-monster: really now 

j-nope: what it true i'm not one cuz i'm innocent   

sugamon: i agree with jhope on this one  

little prince: i don't cuz he can be evil at times  

princess jin: i agree with jhope so yeah  

kookie: i agree with rapmon 

taetae: same kookie 

j-nope: where your proof + im not sexy so you got no proof im a hoe    

dance-monster: i have my ways of getting proof and if i find proof you change your name to j-hoe 

j-nope: ok sure deal i doubt your find any  

dance-monster: why is it so hard to find anything ugh 

j-nope: see you can't find anything ha 

dance-monster: but im not giving up i'll  just search sexy jhope  instead j-hoe then i'll have proof

sugamon: oh this is getting good *gets popcorn*  

little prince: rapmon found anything yet 

dance-monster: fuck i have and i feel liked i've sinned 

j-nope: what you actually found something i thought you were joking   

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