Love at First Sight

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My name is Kim Seokjin and this is my story. I thought that I should write it down while I still have time left. I won't have time to proof read this, so I apologize in advance. This isn't an epic story filled with the stuff that you see in the movies, but it's my story and I'm going to tell it.

It was Monday morning. I remeber that I was running late, and it was pouring down rain when I woke up. My alram didn't go off, so I was already late. To make things worse Jimin messed up the flower order and sent the delivery to my house instead of the shop. I couldn't carry an umbrella and two large boxes. I was completely soaked the minute I stepped outside. I stood at the bus stop for what seemed like forever. I thought that the rain had stopped, but it turned out to be a blue umbrella sheilding me. "You shouldn't be standing out in the rain like this," said the man who was holding the blue umbrella. Blue, the color of sadness.

I smiled at him, "Thank you." He smiled back as the bus came to a stop in front of me. I frowned as I got on the bus, and I wondered if I would ever see the man again as the bus rolled away. I just watched him from the bus mirror.

"I'm so sorry hyung!" Jimin said for the hundreth time. "It's okay Jimin," I say with a sigh. "It was a simple mistake." It wasn't. I live two blocks away from my little flower shop. I just didn't want Jimin to feel bad.

Jimin pouted. "You're all wet though."

"It's only water," I say. "It'll dry."

"But what if you get a cold?" Jimin asked.

"I think that I have some extra clothes in the back," I say and I went to the back. I did. I left them there incase I needed them. I went to the bathroom and changed quickly. Jimin was always more than a coworker to me. He was my best friend.

"Jungkook inivited us to his house for dinner," Jimin says when I come back.

"We should go then," I say, and that's when Jimin frowned and bit his lip. He liked Jungkook more than he let on. "Or do you want to go by yourself...?"

"N-No!" Jimin yelled. "I want you to come with me hyung." I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness.

Later that day, Jimin left early so he could look better for Jungkook of course. I was closing up when the man with the blue umbrella came in. "Hey," he said. "I came by to see if you're okay. You don't feel sick do you?"

I wasn't used to strangers acting so kindly to me. I laughed a little out of nervousness. "I'm fine," I told him. "How did you know I worked here?"

"The company's logo was on the boxes you were carrying," he said with a small smile. "Sorry if I came off as a stalker."

"Only a little," I played with him. "I'm Seokjin."

"I'm Namjoon," he said.

From that day on, I knew that Namjoon would play a bigger part in my life than a random stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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