Chapter 1~An Unsettling Night

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I lay here, cold and alone, in my bed. He's gone right now, but it won't be for long. I need to think of a plan to escape what I've come to know as My Personal Hell, before he returns. . . .I hear a door slam shut. 'Oh shit, he's home.' I was too late. I heard him scream, "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SLUT!?!? YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME!!!!" I cowered and shook with fear. There was no use in hiding from his drunken rage. I just sat up in my bed, my head buried in my knees, preparing for what was about to come.

My door slammed open. . . .hard. "I KNEW I'D FIND YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!!!!" he screamed. . . .Everything was a total blur after that.I've been through the motions at least a thousand times before. I sat there, taking blow after blow. I tried my hardest not to fight back. . .I learned the hard way what happens if I do. . . .Next thing I know, I'm kicking him in the balls. 'What the fuck am I thinking!?!? I'm not trying to do this!!!! . . . .I'm going to be fucking dead now.' He groaned and hunched over in pain, but quickly regained his composure. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!? YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING GET IT NOW!!!!" . . . .Next thing I knew, he was pinning my arms down on the bed and taking off our clothes. 'I can't believe this is happening. . . .I'm about to get raped by my own father.' As he continued to thrust inside me, I let the tears fall. They just wouldn't stop, but I didn't dare make a sound.This torture ended, what seemed like, hours later. . . .I felt so used. So dirty. I just curled up in ball and cried myself to sleep. . . .

Sleeping rendered useless, I only had about 30 minutes of sleep before I found my self waking up once more. . . .My body violently shook with the convulsions of my sobbing. I needed to escape. . . .And I was making sure I wouldn't fail like yesterday. When I managed to find the strength to get out of bed, I sneaked over to my dresser & through on some clothes 'considering I was still practically naked, except for my bra, from last night' I shuddered. . . . And as quietly as I could, grabbed my oversized backpack and shoved my clothes, my brush, straightener, and the little makeup I have, into it. . . .I proceeded to tiptoe my way over to my window and open it about halfway. I knew my father wasn't waking up for a while, his hangovers lasted a while & kept him knocked out. . . .'My phone!! My iPod!! I almost forgot my phone & my iPod!! Those are the ONLY things that keep me somewhat sane sometimes.' I searched my nightstand until I found them.

I was about to jump out my window when I realized that I'm not wearing any shoes. . . .I quickly put my converse on and stuffed my phone & iPod into the little compartment in my backpack. I threw it over my shoulders, readied myself to jump out the window, and landed with a very light thump.

I started walking. I don't even know where to or which direction, but I honestly didn't care. I was getting out of this hell-hole and that's all that really mattered right now. . . .Every step I took hurt, but still I trudged on. . . .To distract myself from the memories, I grabbed my earbuds & my iPod out and put the earbuds in my ears. . . .I placed my iPod on shuffle & turned the volume up as far as it can go.

I closed my eyes as the music played. I know I should be paying attention to where I'm going, but who's really going to be out driving at around 4am?. . . .I figured I was somewhere near L.A, I must've been walking for a good 20 minutes 'Man, time flys by fast. . . .Then again, I really don't live TOO far away' . . .I continued along my wayuntil I heard some guy shout, "WATCH OUT!!!! THERE'S A . . . ." That's all I was able to hear before I saw bright lights & felt something crash into my body. . . .


My warning was too late for her; she now lays in the middle of the road surrounded in her blood, which is quickly starting to pool around her. . . .I ran as fast as I could over to her. I may not know her, but I'm not going to just let her lay here and die!!! Quickly, I noticed where the blood was pouring from, so I quickly took off my bandana that was tied around my head and loosely tied it around the wound & applied light pressure. . . .Then I called 911.

He's Got Me In A Coma // Christian Coma love story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now