Like it's Over - 5

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Annabelle's POV

It was 5, and the party started in half an hour. I was really nervous. It was like that kind of nervous you get when you don't want to die. Ya, that kind of nervous. I don't know if you've ever felt that kind of nervous, but it is what I am feeling right now.

I am still wearing the same outfit as I was earlier. I don't feel there is any need to change since all I am in a slave, and so far Jace hasn't seen any need for me to change either. Anyways the white collar matched my red and white outfit perfectly. It was fit snug around my neck. Luckily I didn't have to wear a leash. Just the collar. Or so Jace has told me anyways.

I was currently sitting on his bed anxiously pulling at my collar. My arm was aching and it was itchy and I really wish my arm wasn't broken. It will be hard to shift if I get into a bad situation, which I might considering Jace couldn't promise my safety. I don't think he really cares that much either, it's more as if I am liability than anything else.

Jace walks out of the bathroom and into his closet to change, he only had a towel wrapped around his waist and I couldn't help but think how beautiful he was. He has the perfect 6 pack and that really attractive V that disappeared into the towel. I can only imagine what was underneath. That thought made my face go red and hot. I really shouldn't be thinking those kinds of things about the vampire prince. He is technically my master, even if he doesn't want me calling him that, that is what he is. I shouldn't be thinking like that, or wishing for anything more.

A few minutes later, Jace comes out wearing a black suit. It made him look very professional, but I guess that is what he was going for, he is the prince after all. Jace stood in front of the mirror and started putting on a white tie with the royal symbol embroidered into it. After he was done, he fixed his hair, then spun around to face me, "Ready?"

I didn't want to say no, even though I definitely was NOT ready for anything like this and I would never be ready. I just nodded and got off the bed as gracefully as I could without making my arm or face hurt. Jace grabs my hand of my good arm and starts to lead me out of the safety of his room and down the staircase where guests are about to arrive.

My eyes widen as I see numerous amounts of vampires and other creatures arrive through the castle's front gates. I move closer to Jace, for once, he is the least of my problems. Jace just keeps guiding me down the staircase and into the main ballroom. There are about 40 creatures here and I don't know who is dangerous and who isn't so I just keep close to Jace, just like I had promised.

Jace goes around the room saying hello to different people, being polite like a prince should, even though he seemed very annoyed. To most of these people I am completely invisible, so Jace doesn't say a word about me and completely ignores me. To a few I am something of amusement, (mostly other young vampires). They all would say something like 'nice pet you've got there Jace' or 'have you hit that yet?' or 'she looks like she would taste good', yet all this did was seem to annoy the Prince more. None of them ever actually addressed me, or talked to me. They just talked about me as if I didn't understand English or I am just some object. 

I guess I really haven't been a slave for long, because it honestly really annoyed me. At least people in my village would actually talk to me. Or even if they didn't they wouldn't pretend I didn't exist. 

There was one lady though. She looked about 30, the age when a vampire reaches full maturity, so there is no telling how old she actually is. She could be 500 for all I know. The only thing I do know was so far, she was the nicest person at this party. Instead of gushing over Jace, she looked down at my small currently broken figure and smiled at me.

"What's your name sweetie?" She asked kindly. I quickly looked over at Jace, I didn't know if it was okay for me to speak to the guests, we never went over those rules. Or any rules for tonight really.

"Well just tell her your name then!" Says Jace, who was totally pissed off by this point. I look at Jace in fear, why is yelling at me? Then I turn around back to the lady who looked a little angry towards Jace.

"M-my name is Ann-Annabelle" I say while stuttering. I then look down so she doesn't think I am being rude or disrespectful. She has way higher status than me and I would prefer not to get hurt.

But surprisingly the lady laughs. "Honey I am not going to hurt you, I promise you do not have to be scared of me. I am a supporter of rights for all creatures, including werewolves and shifters like yourself."

"You are?" I say, with hope in my eyes, but fear in my tone. What would Jace think of this. I turn and he was gone. I start to silently panic. He left me here? I didn't think he would do that! Maybe I wasn't watching carefully enough, maybe I will be the one who gets in trouble. The lady didn't seem to notice my inward battle.

"Yes I am," she chuckles. " Now if you have any real problems, or you get yourself into a bad situation, you phone me okay?" Says the lady handing me a business card. I look down at the card and it was all white, except for black printing that gave her business number, and her cell phone. At the top of the card it said. 'Elizabeth J. Harleys and associates" which I am assuming was her name, but I wonder who the 'associates' are.

I lift my head to thank her, "Tha.." but she is already gone. Now I have no one with me. I am standing in the middle of a crowded ballroom, full of vampires who probably all want to eat me. I start to panic again and walk towards the stairwell. I should probably head back up to Jace's room, it would probably be safer there, and it would probably be the first place Jace will look for me, if he ever does.

I am almost to the stairwell when a tall figure blocks my way. I try to go around him, but he won't budge. "Excuse me." I say softly.

The figure looks down at me, "trying to escape are we? The prince wouldn't be happy about this. But he isn't here right now. So I will have to take this into my own hands."

The next thing I know I am being carried, with his hand covering my mouth, as we head vampire speed up the same flight of stairs I was trying to head up, but we don't head towards Jace's room. He enters a dark room at the end of the hall. 

I start to squirm in his grasp and try to scream but nothing comes out because his hand tightens around my mouth, making it hard to breath. He turns on the light and I can tell we are standing in a guest bedroom. I start to cry, no one will find me here. 

"Well well well little shifter, let's behave now. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, leave that to me." He says chuckling at his own dark joke. Tears are streaming down my face. This is it he is going to kill me. I close my eyes. My only hope is to try and shift, even though it will hurt. 

I picture myself as a white tiger, but nothing happens. 

"Didn't the prince tell you? The collar you are wearing makes it so you are unable to shift. It's not just for decoration you know." Says the tall man laughing, removing his hand from my face. With that I start to scream and cry. I hope someone can hear me. Maybe someone will come to help.

"Screaming will do you no good, no one will come. Now we need to give you some manners. Trying to escape isn't good." The man says with joy, as he throws me on to the bed.

"No, no, no, no, please please no!" I beg while my vision blurs with tears.

He comes up to me and rips me dress right off my body. Leaving me there in just a bra and underwear.

He leaves my dress in shreds on the floor as he walks up to me and rubs his hand against my bruised face. "Such a pretty young thing," he says menacingly. 

I am going to die. 



Heyy guys please vote, and comment

and hahahaha it's a cliffhanger

ha ha ha. please subscribe and share too!!

Thanks, K

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