A Beginning, and Another

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Once, there was nothing. Then, all of a sudden, three figures appeared in the void.

They were brothers. Notch, Steve, and Herobrine.

So, using their combined powers, they created the world.

First, sunlight.

Then land.

Then plants.

Then animals.

All was perfect.

But everything needs a balance.

Herobrine had powers with a darker side. Hence why everything Notch and Steve formed had an opposite.

Day and night.

Land and void.

Animals and monsters.

Though the brothers had a whole world full of adventure and things to see, one brother couldn't join the others.

Notch told his brothers that he would be forced into a comatose state to retain everything they worked so hard to create. Steve and Herobrine tried to convince Notch that they could find another way, but it was to no avail. Before he disappeared, Notch put his two brothers in charge of watching over the world and keeping the balance.

As a final gift, Notch created beings like themselves, though without magical powers.

And then he disappeared, never to be heard from again.

Steve and Herobrine enjoyed each other's company, including that of the other beings Notch had created from nothing. Steve and Herobrine came up with the name 'human' for them.

One day, Steve and Herobrine were walking through a village together when their eyes, brown and purple, locked onto a young woman.

She had orangey-yellow hair tied in a loose ponytail over her left shoulder. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds and matched her light green top perfectly. Brown pants went down to her ankles, where gray boots rose to just above mid-calf. She had a bow slung over her shoulder with a quiver full of arrows on her other shoulder. She was beautiful.

The two brothers were captivated by the young woman. She was not like the other women, who were content at staying in their homes, safe from the monsters of the night. This woman lived by herself and did everything for herself. Hunt, grow food, fend off mobs, the whole plate.

Steve and Herobrine were surprised when she locked her gaze with theirs before walking over.

"Hi, I'm Alex," she greeted with a smile.

"H-Hello. I'm Steve. This is my brother Herobrine," Steve replied.

Alex's smile somehow grew wider. "It's nice to meet you," she said.

"Nice to meet you too. Right, Herobrine?" Steve replied, lightly elbowing his awestruck brother in the ribs.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes! V-Very n-n-nice to m-m-me-meet you t-too," Herobrine stammered.

Alex offered them another radiant white smile.

"Care to join me on an adventure?" she asked.

"Of course!" "C-Count me in!"

As time passed, the three became inseparable. It was clear from the start Herobrine had begun to form a crush on the young woman. Steve, however, was a different story.

Alex often acted against Steve's wishes, going as far as to actually sneak out in the night to do what she wanted. They often butt heads with their stubborn personalities, Herobrine trying to find a peaceful solution. But there were times when Alex actually acted kind and gentle to Steve on occasion. This thoroughly confused the young brown-eyed man.

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