Headphones and Exes

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Yoongi's POV

    I had broken another pair of headphones. Not by washing them or dropping them, I had simply turning up the song too loud and they shorted out on me. So here I was, standing in front of an entire aisle of headphones and I was being confronted with way too many choices. Suddenly, a tall guy with glasses rams into me, seeming to be in a panic.

    "Hold my hand." He holds out his hand, eyes begging for me to just do it and not question it. I look at him strangely for a second, shrug and then take his hand.

    "What is your name and why do you need someone to hold your hand so urgently pabo?" I Continued casually looking at the different headphones, running my fingertips along the faces of the boxes.

    "Kim Namjoon and my ex just walked into this section with his new boyfriend. Also, if you are looking for new headphones, I would recommend these." He points to a pair that I now notice he wearing around his neck.

    "Is that because you own a pair?" I point to the pair around his neck. He chuckles and rubs the back of his head as he blushes.

    "Sorta. Here, try them out." Namjoon quickly removes his hand from mine and gently place the headphones over my ears, pressing the play button on his phone. He grins and plays with the cord attaching the headphones to his phone as one of my songs play through the small speakers.

"It's a kind of obscure artist but it gives you an idea of how well the headphones work." Now it was my turn to blush. I nod and hold the headphones, feeling the ridges and the buttons on the plastic. Namjoon glances around then freezes. The next thing I know his arms are around my waist and he was staring down at me like I was his boyfriend. Oh, his ex must be able to see us.

"They do sound nice Joon, but the artist isn't that obscure. I thought I had told you I liked his stuff pabo." I poke his dimple during the last sentence for effect, smiling a tiny bit while blushing. Namjoon's face held a look of surprise, then a smile replaced it.

"Sorry, I don't have the best memory for these things." He leans in closer so our foreheads and noses are touching. I blush and almost back away until I hear a small growl coming from my left. I look out of the corner of my eye to see another tall boy but this time he has pink hair. The boy is stares for a few seconds before storming off in what I would say to be jealousy. I look back over at Namjoon, who is still staring at me.

"You know... you are actually... uh... really attractive." Well, look who is being forward. I smirk up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. My fingers brush gently over the back of his neck.

"Really now? I thought you just chose me for this because of pure convenience." he blushes a dark pink, biting the corner of his lip. He hesitates for a moment before pulling me closer.

"Yeah... but it was definitely also because you were attractive." He slowly let go of me, still blushing. I chuckle a bit and put his headphones back around his neck. I grab the box he had pointed to earlier and fish a sharpie out of my pocket.

"Give me your hand." I hold out my free hand for his.Namjoon hesitantly places his hand in mine. I flip over his arm and push up his sleeve before scribbling down my number. I smirk and shove the sharpie back in my pocket. He looks down at his arm, shocked with his mouth hanging open.

"Call me sometime. You aren't horrible looking yourself pabo." I start walking away, towards the checkout area.

"Wait! What's your name?" He stumbles a bit, tripping over his own feet as he tries to follow me. I smirk once more and glance over my shoulder at the blushing man.

"Min Yoongi, but you can call me Suga." I began looking forward again and started striding to the checkout. I hear a phone hit the floor behind me followed soon after by a panicked Namjoon spouting about his broken screen and being so close that he could have kissed his idol.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my first oneshot, so I hope you liked it! If you would like me to write more, leave prompts in the comments. I will write most anything, maybe not complete smut yet. I also write pretty much any ship as long as I know who they are. Thanks for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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