Tend the garden, yes, that is what we are called
But to be in bondage, no, that's not what God wanted at all
A cheerful giver pleases his heart
One of compulsory giving tears it apart
Bondage still comes to the saved
A weight we should have given away
Rather, as man, we have lived up to the law
We give it our all
We are going the wrong way
We do things that are not okay
Because that is the right way
The saint way
The good way
The Christian way
We give and give, and, give away
Our freedom
Bondage holds us down but it's okay
The outside screams this is what I am
The inside screams a different thing
A thing of pain, of anger, of low self-esteem
Tend the garden, yes, but not on your own
Your own strength
A heavy chain, bondage we shouldn't have taken, and gone astray
One man, ever, has held this esteem
And through him, this reason, we are free
To put back on the chain, we are going the opposite way
We are okay
We are fine
We hold up on the outside
But the sea rages and the moon cries
We are alone inside
Christ is there
Like bread eaten daily
So must the chains be taken away
We must remember it is a race
But not one that goes fast
Slow and long
A marathon is, and
That is the walk's way
But often we will stop
Or go the other way
God is still love and loves
You any-way
Through the pain, anger, and empty days
His love knows no bounds
And doesn't go away
Can ever separate
God's love