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Mac's POV
She is curled up in a tiny ball on the marble floor. One heel has fallen of and snapped in two. Her tiny body is shaking with laughter.

"I slipped!" Ari chuckles.

I rush down the stairs scooping her up into my arms and smiling at her. Thankful she is okay.

"Did you hurt anything angel?"

I exhale in relief as she shamed her head.

"No. Imma miss my miu miu shoes though." She pouts, glancing over at the broken heel discarded on the floor.

I tuck a loose strand of long silver hair behind her ear and kiss her mouth gently.

"I feel a strong desire to protect you no matter what." I tell her. 

She smiles with watery eyes and kisses my cheek.

I blush and she laughs at me.

"Let's spend the day at home." I insist.

"But my studio session-"

"It's okay angel, I'll ring Pharrell and we can reschedule it for tomorrow."

Ari hates cancelling plans. She's an absolute workaholic. But as her boyfriend, I want her wellbeing to come first. She needs to rest.

I discuss my feeling with her whilst rubbing her back soothingly. My beautiful girl finally gives in and agrees to relax and watch a movie with me.

I call the studio and Pharrell and then cook her Kale and Tofu with Ciabatta bread for brunch.

"Can you walk?" I ask as I lift her down from the kitchen island gently.

She nods, twirling on the kitchen floor and busting a dab.

"What a legend." I smirk at her.
She winks. Smoothing a golden hand through her silver hair.

Am I dating a goddess?

This time Ari blushes.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask.

She nods and runs towards me.
I catch her so naturally as she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso.

I carry her to the cinema room and wrap her up in a large duvet.

"I feel silly." She giggles, her pretty face peering out of the blankets.

I laugh. " you look so sweet." I say sincerely. Taking a picture of her on my phone before kissing her lips deeply.

I leave Ari to pick a film whilst I go fetch our lunch from the kitchen.


Malcolm leaves me the remote to flick through movies whilst he goes and gets food. It stings my hand a little, the red mark grows darker, but I brush it off, not having the energy to re bandage or scream for my baby.

I settle for the movie 'Breakfast at Tiffanies.' I know that it's going to bore Malcolm silly but that means more kisses for me. I smirk to myself. I'm so naughty sometimes.

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