I only know my side of the story, not theirs. So, as always, I wondered about how they felt when it happened. Were they in pain? Were they sad? Mad? Do they feel the same as I do? I've always wanted to pick their brains apart, to see how they feel when it happens, if they feel at all. Do they see their lives flash before their eyes, if they even have lives at all?
"America, America, God shed His grace on thee." For some reason, it was just the tune stuck in my head at the moment. I'm not even a religious person, but I sang it out anyway, repeating the same line over and over, as that was the only line of the song I knew. I was putting things away when I noticed the pest. It is a normal human reaction to want to kill it, but should we? It was sitting there, calm, not moving or making a sound, but its presence bothered me. The thing started rubbing its little palms together, as if it was planning to take over the world. I took the hot glue gun, still warm from just using it, and gently pressed it against the pest. Immediately I heard buzzing of what may have been protests as I burned the fly alive. I pulled the hot glue gun away from the fly. It buzzed in what I assume was pain, if flies can feel. I pressed the hot glue gun back onto the fly, harder than before, hoping to melt the fly in half. I held it there until I no longer heard buzzing. When I pulled the glue gun away, I checked the tip to make sure there were no fly guts on it before putting it away. When I looked down at the fly, it seemed to be still twitching with life. I ran to grab the flyswatter before smacking down on the fly a few times before pulling away with satisfaction. I hung the flyswatter back up on its post and walked away as if nothing had happened.