It never occurred to me how broken I really was unto I began to talk to you again. I thought it would help the heart break but if anything it made it worse. I knew I would never be whole without you but I was far more shattered than I thought. When you said "its not you its me" I shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and when I began to rebuild myself I realised I was missing a few pieces, the segments didn't look as incomplete but when I finally had the courage to say "hey hows life?" I realised my infatuation never left me and I was just as in love with you as I was when I first met you, slowly I began to realise you held some of those missing pieces. You stored them away and refused to give them back, some pieces got lost in the war but there's always replacements for those but these pieces, these fucking pieces were the ones I needed most and you took them without hesitation. I now realise how broken I am as I stare at the cracks of ou-my broken love.
Hey this is just a much need small drabble, I've been feeling shitty lately and by writing this piece it has kinda helped me to release some tension, ill update my other book soon
Many apologise