With This Ring (I Thee Wed)

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I do not own OUAT, any of it's cast or characters, this is purely for people to read and get over the fact that Jennifer isn't joining us for Season 7, yet to remind everyone that Colin is still there and I love and trust him to make season 7 as good as they can without the lovely Jennifer.

With This Ring (I Thee Wed)

3rd Person

Emma sighs as she gently pulls her wedding ring and engagement rings off her finger, placing them safely in the locker.

She dislikes taking off her rings, she hates feeling the loss of them off her finger, she feels naked without them ever since Killian slid them on her finger less than ten months ago.

Emma never saw herself getting married as a little girl, she never saw herself growing up and falling in love, buying a big house with far too many bedrooms for two (occasionally three) people to live in, and a big white, fancy wedding with all of her family smiling.

(To be honest, she certainly didn't see herself marrying Captain Hook, but she couldn't be happier that she married a man like Killian Jones.)

Having a husband is strange, despite the fact they've been married for a few months now, and they were dating before and living together. But the thing is, everything changed when she got married.

For starters, her name changed. Gone was Emma Swan, and Emma Jones came along to replace her maiden name, something she was adamant she wanted, not just because her husband wanted her to, but also because she did.

(Not that he pressured her to, of course, Killian wouldn't dream of doing that, but she saw the look in his eyes when she was toying with names, she saw how happy Emma Jones made him, like it showed their commitment, like it showed she was there to stay just by her changing her name.

She liked it nonetheless.)

It felt strange to have people address her as Mrs. Jones, getting letters with that written on, and when she wrote her name she had only just gotten used to writing J instead of immediately writing Swan.

It's strange but quite wonderful.

People told her that when she got married things would change, making it sound so ominous and like it was a dreaded thing, like she'd suddenly become an entirely different person. But they were wrong. Marriage changed her, sure, but it also changed little things in her and Killian's relationship.

Every morning he comes down the stairs and kisses her cheek, whispering 'Mrs. Jones' into her hair as a greeting before going to sit down, they address each other as husband and wife when they're feeling silly or before bed. They say goodnight as Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Cheesy, but she quite liked the idea that every night she got to go to bed in her husband's arms.

Most of the town takes to asking her how married life is, asking to see her rings, asking about future Jones babies running around, but she finds herself passing the children comment for now. She wants to enjoy just being them for now, just being married and happy and the quiet life.

(They've spoken about children, a few times actually, and Killian has told her that she just has to give him the word and he's more then happy to start their family.)

Women around town mostly take to asking her about her rings, wanting to stare at them again, which brings her to why she hates taking them off.

They go swimming quite often, as they have the time to do that now that there's no looming threat hanging over their heads. Every Saturday they go, and it's relaxing and fun for them just to be together.

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