Closest Friends that I will never forget.

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This is tribute to my closest friends which I will never forget, ever since I went to the Philippines all I ever think is my friends back home so I will be writing about them in this book.


I don't even remember meeting this guy maybe in grade 3 or 4 but I knew hoping before I went to good news we always have some great times like the time where we just YOLO through work to kill time and the time where we caught him cheating on that German test, he is one annoying dude but he's kinda nice when you get to know him but most of the time he is a dork but still cool.

Daniel. F

Daniel was my friend on the day I met him he's that guy who seem get in trouble in some sort of way like leaning on his chair or just yapping away like a parrot but we got along when he suggested I should watch Dr.Who and I got hooked and we became friends from that moment forth.


Felix is new to our class this year, at first we thought he was quiet but after he settled in we found out he was maniac, a good one and that's why he my buddy we play together he would always scream in my ear time from time and probably cause permanent damage but let's hope that doesn't happen.


Me and Jacinta became friends when she stole pencil case and nearly left it in her locker and cut my finger getting it and when I found out she was in my class I knew my pencils cases safety was In Jeopardy but I knew it was a friendly competition so we got along nicely and one point I had crush but that's another story for next time.


Me and kaitlyn we got along for one thing, giving Dushan hell and we were best friends from than on we would give Dushan hell together with Jacinta but she does give me a hard time too she kicks me a lot and plus as long it's on Dushan as well I'm good.


Emily is also a new kid at first she and I didn't really talk but towards the end of the year we started talking became friends, she probably got a lot of attention from certain people *cough cough Dushan* but she is that girl that gets along with everyone.

Well I going to end it here I will try add some more soon see you in 5 weeks

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