Our First Kiss

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When Myungsoo and Jiyeon had their first kiss... 

Myungsoo and Jiyeon were happily skipping their way to the park. Once they've reached the park, Jiyeon flopped down on the grass. Both of them were panting from all the skipping. Myungsoo stood above Jiyeon and trying to catch his breath. He was blocking the sun from Jiyeon's eyes... He then laid next to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon: "Yah! You were supposed to blocked to sun!"

Jiyeon pouted and smacked Myungsoo's arm. Myungsoo turned his head to look at Jiyeon and sticked his tongue out.

Jiyeon: "Tch! Oppa~"

Myungsoo: "Hmm? Why?"

Jiyeon: "Can we have some ice cream?"

Jiyeon sat up and clapped her hands from the excitement. Myungsoo sat up too and smirked because his playful mind just worked.

Myungsoo: "Okay! But only in one condition~"

Jiyeon looked at him curiously and whined.

Jiyeon: "Eyy~ why still have a condition?"

Myungsoo: "C'mon! You like ice cream right? It's just a one small condition~"

Jiyeon crossed her arms and looked at Myungsoo then for some seconds she finally agreed to Myungsoo's condition.

Jiyeon: "Okay~ so what's the condition huh?"

Myungsoo: "Give me a kiss!" *makes his lips pouty*

Jiyeon thought about it for some seconds before placing her lips quickly to Myungsoo's cheek then she immediately ran towards the direction of the ice cream parlor.

Myungsoo: "Yah! What was that?"

He yelled and quickly chased Jiyeon.

Myungsoo: "You call that a kiss?" Myungsoo unbelievably said.

Jiyeon: "Of course! My lips touched you right?" *chuckles*

Myungsoo got a bit frustrated so he grabbed Jiyeon's arm and turned her around as he pressed his lips to Jiyeon. Naturally, his arm snaked around her waist to bring her closer. Jiyeon got surprised and widen her eyes by Myungsoo's sudden action but later on, she gave in and returned the sweet kiss. Myungsoo was gentle yet passionate. As Jiyeon pulled away, she shyly whispered.

Jiyeon: "Myungie, that was our first kiss."

Myungsoo: "Way to state the obvious~" *laughs*

Myungsoo: "And by the look on your face, you liked it." *smirks*

Jiyeon blushed and shyly hid her face. Myungsoo take Jiyeon's hands away from her pretty face.

Myungsoo: "Stop hiding your pretty face, I want to see it." *smiles lovingly to Jiyeon*

Jiyeon just smiled at Myungsoo's sweetness.

Myungsoo: "Let's go get your ice cream. Should I get you strawberry to match your red cheeks?" Myungsoo teasingly said.

Jiyeon slapped Myungsoo's arm and whined.

Jiyeon: "Yah~ oppa! stop it." *pouts*

Myungsoo: "Okay, okay... let's go now!"

Myungsoo took Jiyeon's hand and then they walked hand in hand to the ice cream parlor.

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