Whereabouts of the Miracle

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Kiril was heartbroken when he found his fiancee lifeless on the temple floor. He cried over her bleeding body and for a moment, felt the HERs leaking back into his body.

"You." He shouted, pointing at Irina, who put her hands up in defeat. "You bloodthirsty bitch did this to my Elluka." 

Irina was tried and arrested for her crimes. The murder of Ly Li and Milky Eights, and the stabbing of Elluka. Though her crimes had been uncovered, she was the only MA candidate left, and so the project proceeded. 

As Kiril lay over Elluka's fallen body, a voice whispered to him.

"Hey darling, can you hear me?" She whispered. "Darling, if you can hear this voice save me." It told her, through deception and lies. "Throw my body into the Ark in the temple and I will be born again." Levia told him through a false voice.

But through the channel, Elluka broke through. "What are you doing? I don't understand, darling." And Kiril hesitated. 

A third voice spoke. "No, please, bring her back, hurry!"

And when the machine was used to save Elluka, Levia and Behemo's souls were freed from their dragon body and they were able to inhabit Elluka, granting her eternal life. Somewhere in Held's forest, the soulless dragon awoke and went on a rampage, destroying Magical Kingdom Levianta. And when it was done, it broke in to two pieces, that fell into the forest and fused with the souls of the witch's children.

In the ashes of the Temple of Sin, three bodies lay. Kiril, clinging to life, inches away from Elluka's unconscious body, and the charred remains of Irina.

Seth walked the ruined temple, stepping over rubble and char with a red stuffed cat in his hands. When he came to Irina's dying body, he chuckled. "Don't worry, anymore, mage. Today is your RE_Birthday."

And then, he died.

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