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Hello there, welcome. Today I am here to tell you a story of a kingdom that could change the fate of many. A kingdom that can give you a soulmate, or at least help you find them. This kingdom can bring anyone good or bad, ugly or beautiful, together. But I am not here to tell you a story about the kingdom, but the residents inside. This story is a love story about two sides you would never think could be soulmates. This is the story of the 'Kingdom's Theives'. Don't know who they are, well no one does these days. They are only known as a fairy tale. But this fairy tale is about to come true in this very kingdom. Now you maybe wondering how I know this or who I am. Just know that I am not the writer of this tale. Now let me tell you what a witch is. A witch can see the future, make soulmate charms, do elemental magic, and so much more depending on the witch. And this is how the love story of the Kingdom's Theives began.

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