The Only Chapter You Shouldn't Read

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It's astonishing how much the world loves catgirls. Or otherwise known as nekos. They are cute, adorable, and I love them to death. They can be so fragile, they can be so heart-breaking if they're sad, but one should never really harm one. But alas, my mind one day went wild with imagination and I wondered about one thing.

What do we love in a catgirl that is different from a human? Particularly, physical features. The cat ears. And the tail. Now imagine this. There is a cute catgirl. Fluffy ears, cute appearance. As happy as can be. Now imagine now that they're helpness. Chained up, on the ground, only able to lay down, sit, and stand. Maybe even move a little. Now imagine, very slowly, tearing one of the ears off. What would happen? As the ear starts to rip, blood would start gushing out. At that point, the catgirl would already be screaming in pain. "Nyaaaaaaa!!!" It would be quite the sight. The catgirl frozen in shock, filling only the room with her voice. Now imagine you kept going. The ear is half off. The catgirl's scream going up, a high-pitched scream that could hurt your ears. She can do nothing, her body trying to move against the restraints, but is unable to do anything. You finish tearing off the ear. Blood is gushing out, a waterfall moving down the hair and body of the catgirl. The floor already forming small pools of blood. The catgirl screaming in pain, then going quiet as the pain dulls, but to a point where she is left whimpering in a defeated state.

But there is still quite a bit of energy in her, as catgirls usually do. So you start with the second ear, this time with a knife. As you slice the ear off, the new sensation of the sharp object digging into the fluffy skin of the ears creates a different but tremendous amount of pain. Every one of the catgirl's senses spike out in a leap of pain, hoping to do anything, ANYTHING to stop this torture. But alas, as the ear is cut clean off, there is still nothing she can do. She simply collapses on the ground, whimpering in defeat. But I have one question for you. Would the tail be straightened out in pain, or coiled up in pain? Maybe just limp from the resignation and defeat of being in a now-silent world? She can't hear anymore. All that's left is the pool of blood forming around her, and the never-ending pain in her head. She can't hear. All her senses are in shock, the pain a grim reminder of what she has been through. But the ears are off. There is no going back. Hearing is over for her.

But, we still didn't do anything with the tail. The catgirl is still alive. She'll take much longer to bleed out. So the tail is picked up. It doesn't matter if it's limp or not. What you're doing to do can be done if the tail is straightened out or not. Take that blood-stained knife used to cut the second ear off. And cut the tail. No, not just slice it in half. The catgirl will feel the pain slowly. Cut it, length-wise. Start from the end, then slowly score the end of the tail with the knife. The tail tends to be very sensitive. As you slice into the tail more and more, the catgirl's screams return, louder than ever. It's the worst pain one could ever feel. The most sensitive part of your body, slowly being mutilated, cut in half in the most grotesque way. As you cut through about a quarter of the tail, the catgirl's screams reach a pitch and volume louder than anything could withstand. But, the cutting continues. The knife, slicing back and forth, through the tail, which is coiling in an attempt to protect it. But the grip on the tail is strong, preventing it from coiling up. The knife continuing to slice. The tail is split in two, about 3/4th of the way. The blood is still strongly gushing out, although at a slower rate. The catgirl's screams slightly deafen, as she is weakening from blood loss. She can't see any more, the blood has covered her eyes. The knife continues. The tail is fully cut in two. What there was once an entire tail, now stand two limp, blood-stained, halves that will never move again. The catgirl will never move again. Lying in a pool of blood, ears cut off, eyes closed, tail split in two. The smiles and cheers that came from her will never come again. Her ears, will never perk up again. Her tail, will never wag around again. The catgirl, will never be happy. Ever. Again.

The things we love in a neko (catgirl kind)Where stories live. Discover now