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It was a warm Autumn morning. The brightly colored trees shook as the cool breeze blew through them.  I stood in the center of the ballroom,  directing my Omegas to arrange the tables and chairs in a specific way. As the Omegas finish arranging the tables i walk into the kitchen to see how things were running. I looked around at all the busy people, all the servants were doing as they were told. I gave the kitchen one last sweep before leaving the room. I traveled back to the ballroom just in time to see a few Omegas struggling to move the last table.  I call over a few servants who were arranging table setting to help them before heading to my room to set my suit out for the ball.  I walk up the grand staircase which leads to all the bedrooms for my highest ranks. I walk down the long hallway until I reach my destination, my room. I open my door to see my  mother standing there with my black suit in her hands. She gave him a heart warming smile as she saw me enter.
"What are you doing in here mom" i ask before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.
"I was going to iron your suit so that it looks extra special for the ball" she says with a smile. 
"I hope this year is the year you find your mate.  I know she will be just lovely"
"Mom,  we already talked about this, Izzy is going to be our Luna since I haven't found my mate" i sigh as my mother's smile falters. 
"Yes I know, you keep saying that, but I just have a feeling Forest. I know she's out there somewhere waiting for you." my mother smiles again as her face lights up at the thought.
"I have to go finish setting up for the ball mom, so we will talk later. Ok?" she nods before setting down my suit on my bed and walks towards my door. Before she gets out the door,  she turns back to me.
"You will find her today Forest, I know you will." She exits without another word.
As lunch comes around,  all i can think about is the ball.  No matter how many times i tell myself she won't be there, i hope she will; I want to settle down with the person the moon chose for me. Maybe the moon goddess was playing a cruel joke and cursed my with no one to call mine.  I hide my sadness with a mask i put on every day, i wont let my pack see me weak. A servant sets my lunch down, which is a delicious smelling chicken Parmesan, on my dresser and leaves quietly. I take a drink of my  red whine as i think to myself. My wolf, Damon, hears my sad thoughts. 
"What if she does show up tonight? What will she say about you and Izzy?" he asks quite harshly. 
"I love Izzy and I doubt she'll be there." I say with a frown
"How can you love someone who isn't your mate?"  asks Damon
"It's complicated.  I wouldn't expect you to understand. " i state and block Damon out. I eat a little bit of my food before standing and going back to the ballroom to finish preparing. 

I was happy with how everything was turning out, the tables were placed in there right spots, the food was being cooked to perfection. Every year i dread going to the mating ball, people were too busy worrying about their so called "mates" to even care about the problems within the packs. People dancing around like they have no care in the world when there was actually a war going on between the kingdoms. Alpha Caleb and i have always hated each other, for reason's we both don't know. Caleb thinks the two packs should be treated equally. What he didn't understand is that my pack is the stronger one, we are made up from the best fighters, seekers, and healers. We are considered the "cruel pack", while Caleb's pack was considered the honorable pack. His pack was kind, generous, and forgiving. They do fight but not like my pack, we play dirty.

I walked up the large staircase up to the first floor, i walked to the end of the hall and opened the door to the right, my office.  I walked inside and sat at my huge desk that is piled with paper. A sigh leaves me as i look for a paper on my desk.  The paper is something i had writing to wage war of the Skylight Kingdom it wasn't just because of his crazy assumption that we were equal but because he wanted to take over my pack to combine both out kingdoms into one large pack, he didn't want to be seen as two strong packs but as one. I declined his offer but since then he has done everything in his power to fight for the idea . I was hoping to finish it today, before the ball, so that i can send it to Caleb's kingdom. I wanted him to receive it right after the ball but it seems that wont be happening. After i look over the paper one last time i stand and exits my office, making sure to close the door.  I make my way back downstairs to the ballroom.  Everything is nearly set and i nods at my packs work. I walk to the kitchen and am hit by a bunch of delicious aromas.  I walk back into to ballroom and see my Omegas making the last touches and cleaning up any messes they made while setting up. I keep walking until i make it into living room where i see my baby sister sitting. I sit on the couch next to her, she was watching a movie with a blue fish who apparently has some issues with memory.
"What are you watching" i ask McKenzie 
"Oh it's finding dory" she laughs and points to the screen.
I look at the TV with a confused face.
"What the hell is this?" damon asks with confusion
"I have no idea." I tell him and look down at my sister who continues laughing at the tv.  All of a sudden i hear a loud noise coming from the kitchen. I quickly get off the couch and exits the room to find an Omega on the ground next to a bunch of shattered plates. I growl at the Omega's clumsiness and order some others to help clean up the mess. I look at my watch and see it's 3:47, guest will start to show up in a couple house as the ball begins at 6 and it will last throughout the night. I decide to go back into the living room to sit with my sister till her movie is over.

I stand in front of my mirror as I fix by suit jacket, after I am satisfied with how I look I run my hands through my hair to give it a "nice but unkempt" look. I look at my watch for the tenth time and i reads 5:56. I take a beep breath and make my way out of my room, as I walk down the hallway I can't help but think that maybe my mate will be here tonight, I hope so. I make my way down the stares to be greeted by thousands of wolf's waiting for the ball to begin. I make it halfway down the stairs and come to a stop, I look over the crowd and make eye contact with Caleb. I growl softly to myself.

" Good evening ladies and gentlemen let me begin by telling all of you how great it is to see that so many of you took the time from your busy schedule to celebrate this magical night. I do not need to tell you how important this night is for us because i am sure you all know. Tonight is the night when many will form a bond with someone in this room and many will not, and for that I am sorry. I hope everyone will be on their best behavior as this is a day that only comings once a year. We are either here to find our mates or to have a good time so please be generous to the ones around you. With that said please have a wonderful celebration and thank you for being here, enjoy the night!" and with that the crowd erupted with chatter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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