Listen To Your Heart - 1. DÍL

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I stuck the earplugs on your iPod pushed the play button . Do my ears rang from the new album Kooks - Junk of The Heart . I've listened to it a second time. In my hand I held the block and making various remarks , what I'm interested in which songs . Once the album ended, I replayed it all over again. Now I 'm putting down the block on the table , sat in a chair and just perceive melody. I gently lifted the corners of his mouth. The songs were great, but that Kooks on board worked for three years , and for much happened .

I drank some coffee , turned on my iMac and started writing . At the beginning I was the new album compared to the old , then I analyzed each song separately , scored his opinion and I finally summed up the board as a whole . Still with me led their very first album , and I wrote in the article , too . When I was happy , I have evaluated the album - 6/10. Then, just enough to place the article on the blog .

My page is devoted to music. Articles on new tracks for each week , movies that have caught my attention or simply review the CDs. But what music is and what is not , I was quite clear and strong opinion . I hated the sweet type Popík Love me , love me or dance hits, where the whole song repeats one melody. This is what waste they call the mainstream, I was on my site arc avoided .

Wearily, I fell to the visitors . Perhaps it last week a little better ... my eyes widen in surprise . That might not be true ! 10,000 visitors in a single day ! I started jumping for joy after his small apartment . Finally, someone appreciated my work ! I quickly reached for my iPhone and called her my best friend Brooke .

" Alison ?" There was a yawn on the other side.

" It's noon and you still sleeping? Since morning I 'm working on the article! "

"Yeah , please. Had you feel hurt, you might have to sleep too! So , what's wrong? "

" MusicBlock has over ten thousand visits to night ! " I shouted into the phone .

"Oh , really ? " Brooke woke up . " This is absolutely great ! Finally some breakthrough ! And who says you're the best? Sure, I ... But seriously , congratulations ! 'm Sure it will continue , I feel it! " she snorted .

"Thank you, the sorceress, " I laughed .

"Hey , I can not even out of bed , " he drawled . "I'm going to sleep, then I'll call you and we'll go somewhere to drink , ok ? I love you, bye. " And before I could answer , she hung up .

Pfff , I sighed. Typical Brooke . Wearily, I flopped on the bed. She was right , too , I could have a life like her.

My dad owned a giant company that produced sound configurations and my mom was a former model . We lived in a huge mansion in the middle of genteel suburb on the outskirts of London . Since my childhood, I was prayed for their child , their dutiful daughter . They wanted me to play golf, so I went to lessons . They wanted me to go to a private girls' school , so I went . There I met Brooke , who also came from good backgrounds, so our against our friendship did not object . On a date, I just went with the guys that I throw my mother . Senior burly Blonds s polo shirt and tweed jacket who either rowed , played polo and cricket. Being Alison Stewart also meant to go to various social events , where she met prominent elite . Photos of our family regularly appeared in various tabloids . No, that would be me on the street asking people to sign , but we were quite familiar .

For many years we 've listened without a word , I did not want to disappoint them , though I always saw the pride in their eyes. But one day I was with all this simply slashed . It was after graduation, when the school handed out leaflets about the universities. Me and Brooke , we immediately fell in love with Oxford . Full of enthusiasm , I rushed into the hall and enthusiastically waving a leaf before our very heads.

" I really like political science and law ! "

" That's nice dear, but these courses are absolutely useless , " said Dad . "For you are much more suited Cambridge economics there is absolutely first class and you 're not no bin . "

"But Oxford is also a good reference. Want to go there ! " I'm running out of patience.

"Honey , the rights of Oxford you'll hardly be able to take our family business ! Moreover, I have some acquaintances in Cambridge and I 'll hold a place there , " he said, according to him, the debate ended .

"I 'm not no fuckin Cambridge ! " I shouted at them.

" Do not you think , Alison ? My Dad and I for you to want only the best and you're just ungrateful ! " his mom said .

"The best ? Everything about every minute of my life , that's what you say best?" They began to run down my face tears of rage. I grabbed my purse. "I'm going to my room . Whether it therefore does not conflict with your five-year plan . " A loud I slammed the door .

On her creamy bed I threw two giant suitcases and began to compose their clothes. I managed to shove there almost everything I needed. Parents , I wrote a short note , and I am sorry if I have disappointed them . At last I said goodbye to Gucci booties and hand me the keys rattling from my Mini Cooper . I did not know where I'm going , I 'm just gone. I parked the car and sat in the center of the nearest Starbucks . I opened my laptop and found a 3 +1 apartment in central London, close to Kensington Gardens . I immediately paid him and the next day I signed the contract for the purchase . On my account were six zero sum ​​, so that money was not the problem . I chose therefore appropriate cash account and then left fallow. The other day, my dad froze the account .

It was clear to me that the Oxford to get at least this year . I had no money for tuition . But I folded my MusicBlock and diligently gave him . I did not want everyone to know that review the quality music he writes a snobbish daughter . That's why I beneath all the articles signed just like Liz. Nothing more.

I did not want to get me started running out of money , so I wondered how the blog got exploited . That's why yesterday I called a few friends, that I did advertising - twitter , facebook , their own site ... And it paid off ! I kept to herself smiling . This was definitely a step forward.

I applied to my email address. WOW ! 50 new messages. I flew in passing , but I caught one . Oh my God , I'm really writes Simon Cowell ? ! TEN Simon Cowell ? ! The producer? I eagerly rozklikla message.

Hello , Liz,

on your website , I came across purely by accident and I immediately intrigued . I must say that such a sensitive expert on music I have not seen . Your reviews are pertinent not afraid to write what you think and what I like . He would like to offer you one . Could we ever make an appointment ?

Sincerely ,

Simon Cowell .

Breathe . Exhale . This can not be true. With trembling fingers I wrote that thanks for the mail and I'd love to meet him . The whole exhilarated , I decided to open another e - mail .

Hello !

I'm Louis and I'm 19th I really like your blog , each time before you hear anything , I'll wonder if it is really worth . Seriously, the music has little meaning and your page is just totally awesome !

Louis xx

P. S. Do you like carrots?

P.P.S. How about a change in design? I like stripes.

P.P.P.S. Who are you ?

P.P.P.P.S. If neodepíšeš me , I'll be sad . (

Amused, I laughed .

Hi Louis,

really thank you very much , I'm glad you like my page at least someone. I'm Liz , I mean, my name is Alison and I'm the 20th O redesign still 'd think . Who am I? The twenty most boring girl you've ever seen. Just Liz. xx

Alison's outfit :

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