New Girl

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Y/N=Your Name
Y/L/N=Your Last Name
E/C=Your Eye Color
H/C=Your Hair Color
H/L=Your Hair Length
B/C=Backpack Color(for school)
Y/M/N=Your Mom's Name
Y/M/L/N=Your Mom's Last Name
F/C=Favorite Color


Being the new girl is hard,but I'm used to it since I've moved a lot.Washington to New York, New York to Texas, Texas to California,California to Wyoming,and Wyoming to DERRY,MAINE,where I am right now.The reason I've been moving a lot is because Y/M/N  Y/M/L/N,my mom has been on tour to audition for movies,but she still hasn't got a role for any movie and she's one of the most famous actresses. Luckily, she found a Audition for a movie,
When we got out of the limo, Mom showed me around her fancy new mansion to live in for 5 months! We met our new maid, her name was Nancy.
Nancy led me up to my room which was already painted F/C."I love it!"I beamed "Wait how did you know this is my favorite color?"
"Well, when your mother called me she asked me if my husband can paint your room F/C." explained Nancy
"Well, thanks Nancy and thank your husband for me please"I said
"You're welcome and ye-"

"Nancy can you please come down here?!" asked my mom
"Sure thing, ma 'am" replied Nancy.

6 hours later......

It was 8 o'clock PM.
"Y/N come eat!" yelled mom,from downstairs
"Ok mom, in a minute!" I yelled
as I walked downstairs.
"Hi Y/N! "said my mom, in a happy tone as I arrived the kitchen.
"Hey mom" I say.It smelt like turkey.
"Oooh! are we having turkey?"I ask with excitement.
"We sure are!"said mom

After Dinner......

I fell asleep right away but I had a strange dream....

On the first day of school and I was bullied by a group of three friends,but then a boy stands up to the bullies and saves me.


The alarm clock woke me up.
I tap it gently on the top.It didn't turn off the alarm.I tap it harder.IT STILL DIDN'T  TURN OFF THE ALARM!!
"TURN OFF STUPID ALARM CLOCK!!!"I yelled and hit it very hard. But I accidentally broke it,I widened my eyes then hid it behind my pillows.
I brushed my H/L  H/C hair.I just made myself a ponytail.Then I brushed my teeth.After that I ate a yummy breakfast.Finally I got to the limo.While I was in the limo I started sketching.I didn't get time to finish my drawing because the moment I was about to ink my drawing we were already at school.Manny, the limo driver opened my door for me.When I got out I looked at the school in awe but then I said goodbye to mom and Manny."Bye sweetheart" said mom as she kissed my cheek.Manny just waved I waved back,but the moment I turned around everyone was staring at me.I don't get it was I wearing something too old school?Did mom embarrass me by kissing me in the cheek?Were there knots in my ponytail?But the strangest thing happened....
Everyone started cheering.
This girl came over running to me with her high heels.She had blonde curly,long hair."Hey!"she says"I'm Stephanie but you can call me Steff"
"Um,H-Hi,"I stuttered "I'm Y/N Y/L/N".She giggled then said "Of Course you are!"
"Yep"I say
"Here let me show you around!"said Stephanie.
"Hey, Freak!"said a voice behind me
"U-Uh Nevermind,uhhh you go tour yourself,Y/N"stammered Stephanie then ran away.
"Oh no it's Henry Bowers,everyone run !"said a girl.
Everyone started running,it was like a stampede of students.
I felt something yank on my hair.
"OW!!"I yelled in pain
"You think you can rule this school since your mom is a very famous movie star!?"yelled a boy as he continued to yank on my hair."No"I said quietly.He was so strong that he picked me up by my hair.
"OW!!!!!"I yelled in more pain
"I'm sorry what was that?"he asked
I didn't answer,I just felt tears roll down my cheek.
"Ok,then"he said"We'll do it the hard way." I was very nervous after he said that."Boys!"he said after he let go of my hair,causing me to fall.
Then two boys started to walk towards me, cracking their knuckles.
I gulped.
Then closed my eyes.
"HEY!!"said a voice"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!"
I slowly opened my eyes and noticed their was a boy with a fannypack,I giggled softly so he wouldn't hear me.
The three bullies turned to him and started running after him.
"BAD IDEA!,BAD IDEA!,BAD IDEA!" yelled the boy with the fannypack while the bullies were chasing him.You smiled softly "The Dream" you thought.

eddie kaspbrak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now