He Loves Me, Loves Me Not

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 Chapter One

            A pair of strong arms wrapped around my midsection, making me jump, a husky voice whispering in my ear.

            “Happy birthday, Jules.”

I twisted my body, wrenching free from the boy’s grasp and smacked my best friend, Trevor Halls, hard on his arm. I was sitting in the cafeteria with my other best friend, Carmen Palathers, who had her sandwich in her mouth and an amused grin on her face as she watched me abuse our friend. 

            “Ow,” he whined, rubbing his arm where I had smacked him.

“You scared me,” I retorted with a smirk. He stuck his tongue out at me and dropped heavily on the chair beside me.

“Hey, Trevor,” Carmen greeted.

He crossed his arms and flicked his head in an upward nod, “’Yo, 'sup?” he asked. Carmen stared at him strangely and I was trying hard not to laugh.

            “What the hell was that?” she asked him, her eyes squinted.. Trevor blushed a little and hid his eyes with his hair.

            Suddenly I understood what he was doing, and the laugh I was trying so desperately to hold in, burst out. Carmen brought her confused gaze from Trevor to me and the poor boy blushed harder.

            “Y-you...were tr-trying to act...c-cool!” I sputtered out, in between my bouts of laughter. Carmen looked at Trevor and started to laugh as well. We sat there laughing at our friend for a solid five minutes before the two of us could calm down.

            “Never be cool again, Trevor,” Carmen informed him, letting out another small laugh.

            “I don’t think I will,” he muttered. His cheeks were dark red, and he was slouched far in his chair and his brown bangs completely covered his forehead and eyes.

            “Aw, don’t be embarrassed Trevor!” I pinched his cheek and he sat up properly, his cheeks turning a more normal shade. He swatted my hand away and grunted.

“We love you just the way you are.”

He brightened up considerably after that, coming out from under his bangs. “You love me?” He asked me seriously.

            “Of course I do!” I told him with a smile. “You’re one of my best friends!”

            “Oh,” his shoulders slouched slightly. “Of course.”

Carmen watched this exchange, her eyebrows knit together.

            “What?” I asked her. She just slowly shook her head.“Nothing.”

I nodded, unsure. Trevor suddenly sat up completely straight and stared right at me.

            “I hugged you,” he said.

            “You always hug her,” Carmen pointed out.

            “Yeah, but today there was a reason.” He turned around and stuffed his hand into his backpack, moving around an array of messy papers and old work.  He pulled out a small box, about as long as my hand and it was brightly wrapped. I smiled at him.

            “It’s your birthday!” He exclaimed. “Happy birthday!” He shoved the present into my hands and I eagerly took it from him. I gave him a big smile and hurriedly un-wrapped the paper. Underneath it all was a black box, with a gold emblem on the front.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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