Smile [ Noboru ]

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Sorry for not updating!!
Please understand that I have tests sooner...


Noboru's p.o.v.

Flashback ( EDIT: 4 years ago )

Me: S-m-i-l-e! Hoshi!
Hoshi: Huh..? Noboru-kun..?
Me: Heheh!

End of flashback...

At school...

Me: After meeting Tasuku... Hoshi changed... It's true, we're not the same grade... But now... I want us to get closer together again!
???: Heya! Noboru-kun!
Me: H-huh...? Mutsuki-chan...
Mutsuki/???: You look kinda down... What's wrong?
Me: Well... I've been thinking... Of Hoshi lately...
Mutsuki: Wow, everybody seems to like her. *sarcastically*
Me: Yeah. Even someone like Rouga Aragami...
Mutsuki: *shocked* You were supposed to get mad! *pouts*
Me: Even if you never said that, I am already mad. Tasuku, Rouga... Hey, Mutsuki, can you help me-
Mutsuki: Sorry, can't help you with that. *waves hand and walks off*
Me: Mutsuki-chan... Argh... This is suprisingly annoying...

After school...

I saw Hoshi walking with Tasuku up ahead.

Me: Hoshi!!!
Hoshi & Tasuku: Huh?
Hoshi: Heyyy...!
Me: ??? Your reaction... *laughs while holding on to stomach*
Hoshi: H-hey! Oi!
Me & Tasuku: Ahahahahah!
Hoshi: Hmph! *walks off angrily*
Tasuku: H-hey, Hoshi!
Hoshi: It's okay... You can continue laughing. I need to go for my volleyball training, after all. *waves hand and walks away, facing the ground*
Tasuku: What did you do, Noboru?
Me: It was part of my plan. Haha.
Tasuku: Noboru..?
Me: *leans in towards Tasuku* Stay away. From Hoshi.

And I walked off.

Tasuku's p.o.v.

What was wrong with him..? I stood in shock as he walked off.

Me: Noboru! Noboru!

I ran to catch up to him. I see his cheeks completely flushed red. Huh?

Me: Noboru?
Noboru: ...
Me: Why...?
Noboru: Don't take her away... *clenches fists*
Me: Noboru... We can solve this in another way... Okay? Noboru?
Noboru: She changed! Because of you! If she never met you, she would still be the shy girl she used to be!
Me: ....

I didn't want to fight back... But I had to. For Hoshi's sake!

Me: What do you mean? Noboru! She changed for the good! If she stayed as she was, she wouldn't be able to stand up for herself! Like now!
Noboru: I can stand up for her! She does not need to stand up for herself!
Me: But there are situations where you cannot be there, right?!? I also doubt you know where her parents are!
Noboru: ... Argh...
Me: Surely, reasons are is that she does not trust you enough! And that she knows that even if you attempted to stand up for her, you will fail! That are her reasons!
Noboru: I've... Been defeated... Huh...?
???: Oi!
Me & Noboru: Hoshi?
Hoshi/???: It's true, that he doesn't know. But-it also doesn't mean I would never tell him. *sighs* Now stop.
Noboru: H-Hoshi!! *hugs Hoshi and starts to cry*

Noboru's p.o.v.

Hoshi: Come on, Noboru.
Me: H-huh..? Hoshi..?
Hoshi: S-m-i-l-e! Noboru!
Me: Huh..? Hoshi-chan..?


It took me awhile to capture Noboru's 'image'.

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