Scömíche- Disney Movie Night

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A.N: I know that Scömíche is not real, but this is purely for the entertainment of their fans. Enjoy :)

"Mitch," I say quietly, whilst tapping lightly on his bedroom door. "Do you want to watch Disney movies with me?"

The door opens, revealing a ruffled up Mitch, which is very out of character for him, as he never lets him himself look anything less than perfect. Of course, in my opinion, he always look amazing, no matter what the circumstances.

Admittedly, yes, I have a thing for Mitch. I mean, how could I not? Have you seen him? The hair, those eyes, his voice. He sounds just like an angel whenever he sings, and I live for the moments when we sing together and our voices harmonise perfectly.

I take this moment to just look at the boy before me; his hair has fallen from its usually place on his head, and his shirt looks like it had been haphazardly thrown on, like he had been sleeping in it recently. He is wearing a striped, blue shirt and a pair of sinfully tight skinny jeans, which leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. Not that I was looking! Okay, fine, maybe I glanced.

"Sure, just let me sort myself out." He replies, with a smile on his beautiful face, clearly happy to partake in a Disney marathon with me. I decide to give him some space and time to get ready, and head back to my room, where the laptop sits on the edge of my bed. The covers are pulled back, ready for me and Mitch to get comfy in. I don't know if it's a little too suggestive, but we always watch movies in bed together, usually ending cuddled against each other, which is fine because we are so close. I just can't help but wasn't something more, only Mitch doesn't feel the same.

"Hey." Mitch says as he enters my bedroom, with his hair restyled to perfection, and a comfortable sweater thrown on.

"Hey, come and sit." I say, patting the empty spot on the bed next to where I was currently sitting. He obliges and moves across the room, and perches himself on the end of my bed.

"So," he says, moving to sit next to me, "what are we watching?"

He rests himself under the covers, and my heart skips a beat due to the domestic-ness of it all. I truly do want to be able to do this with Mitch one day, as my boyfriend, and it saddens me to return to reality, where we are both single.

"It's up to you. I was thinking maybe Lion King." I say, looking over at him.

"Urm, I don't know, it's a little sad, and I don't wanna be sad." He replies.

Granted, I also don't want to him be to sad, because it kills me to see him cry.

"Cinderella?" I ask.

"Perfect." He says simply, looking at me. We make eye contact, and stare at each other for a moment, before Mitch coughs and makes a move to get the DVD from my shelf.

By the end of the movie, Mitch had made his way into my arms, loosely, and we lay peacefully, until the credits began rolling.

"Why does it always work out for them? He asks with a trace of bitterness in his voice. He doesn't move away from my embrace she he speaks. If his aim was to confuse me, then it worked. "What do you mean?" I ask him.

"In the movies, they always get their prince and princess. It doesn't always work like that. I mean, name me one Disney film about unrequited love."

Was Mitch just as lonely as I was?

"Urm, I guess... urm..."

"Exactly." He says, turning to look at me. "I guess I just want it to work out for me."

My heart tightens with my love for Mitch; if he wants someone to love him, I'm right here, he just has to notice me.

"It will," I say, looking into his eyes, begging him silently to understand. "I guess we just have to be patient."

"Not gonna lie, I'm kinda sick of being patient. I've waiting 6 years."

Again, he had me confused.

"Why 6?" I ask, quizzically.

There is a brief moment of silence, before he once again turns his head from my chest to look at me. "It's how long I've known I have feelings for you." He says quietly, as if he is afraid of my response.

I can't speak. Well, I'm sure I could if I tried, but I don't have a clue what to say, as my mind is completely racing, and all my words are getting jumbled.

"Please say something before I die." Mitch says, softly, his cheeks reddening. I don't know how long it's been since I last spoke, but I'm guessing a while.

"Mitch," is all I can manage to say at the moment.

He lifts his head from my chest, and moves to the other end of the bed. "I knew it. Scott, I'm so sorry, I don't want to ruin our friendship! I've screwed it up!"

He's rambling and I don't know how to make him stop. I don't know how to express all of the feelings I am having right now.

"Shut up." I say. He looks up from the bed and towards me. I move closer to him, closing the gap that he created only moments before. Carefully, I lean forward and our lips meet. I feel explosions all over my body, and I decide right here and now that kissing Mitch is officially my weekly obsession. He returns the kiss in full, and reaches forward to touch my face, not parting our lips. Mitch's hand on my cheek is literally the best feeling in the world, besides his soft, lips against mine.

We break apart for air, and I laugh nervously, looking down at the covers on my bed. I can feel myself blushing as Mitch continues to stare at me.

"I was wrong," he says, making me look up. "It does always work out."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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