Howler Mishaps

173 8 13

Hogwarts au
Slytherin!Dino x Gryffindor!Reader

Finding platform 9¾ was more difficult than needed. Searching around the bustling train station, I found no signs with the aforementioned numbers. Not to mention the fact that nobody currently in my family is or has been a wizard or witch. Tugging my luggage cart behind me, I attempt to find other people walking to 9¾ with similar luggage as I walk between platforms 9 and 10 (where I assume platform 9¾ would be. Logically...)

   Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a black haired boy, maybe four years or so older than me, 'stealthily' walking to a wall. The screeching owl made me think that maybe, just maybe, he too is a wizard and knows what the hell he's doing. Also the fact that he ran through the wall.

Still pulling my luggage cart behind me, I walk to the wall he ran through. I lean against the wall to see if it would give way, but for some reason it didn't. Shaking my head, I tug my cart closer to the side of me, leaning back onto the wall again. Suddenly, I start falling backwards. Yelling in surprise, I frantically reach for my cart next to me, pulling it with me. The wind gets knocked out of me as I fall on my back. There's no way in hell no one has seen any wizard go through this crap. Closing my eyes to recover while getting up, I grab for my cart to feel it isn't there. I open my eyes, seeing a huge crowd of people trying to get into a train that wasn't there before.

Gasping, my eyes widen. "Holy- What the hell?!" I yell out in surprise. I never yell out of surprise? Oh well. The kid that walked in before me turns around and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Muggle family?" He questions. Eyeing him weirdly, I nod.

"Yeah... how'd you know?" I question back. He head nods to my luggage cart haphazardly rolling into the large crowd of proud parents and trembling first year students reluctant to leave. "Oh."

Snickering, he adds, "That and not even half bloods have to wait for someone else to go through the wall. I can help you out if you want." He pauses. "You should probably get your cart first, though."

I go after my cart, grabbing onto the handle so it doesn't hit a smaller child that's walking around. When I turn around, he's still waiting for me in the same spot. Lugging my cart behind me, I walk back over to him. "Hey, I never caught your name. What is it?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Choi Seungcheol. What's your name?" He responds.

"L/N Y/N." I reply. We walk into the new train, then a separate train car, Seungcheol helping me put my luggage under the seat I was going to sit in. He sat next to me, along with two others that sat across from us, who he introduced as Jeonghan and Joshua. Joshua has orange hair that I assume was dyed, and Jeonghan has natural black hair that is cut to about the middle of his neck. Then there was a kid with messy dark brown hair, head rested on his hand while staring out of the window.

"Who's the kid?" Seungcheol asks, limply raising his hand to briefly point at him.

"I could ask the same," Jeonghan retorts. The two across from us giggle, the kid side glaring us. Seungcheol shakes his head lightly, sighing jokingly.

"You know, sometimes I wonder why your nickname is Angel," Seungcheol says. "Devil fits better." Jeonghan sassily flips his hair at him.

"We all wonder why Soon's called Star but do you see any of us making assumptions?" Everyone laughs lightly. Besides Mr. No Name, who rolls his eyes at us.


After an hour or so, we arrive at Hogwarts, and I grab my luggage out from under my seat. Everyone else grabs their luggage as well, including Mr. No Name. We file off of the train and onto the pavement to a man who seems to be walking on stilts, walking over to the first years while shouting, "First years follow me!" Mr. No Name and I follow him, glancing back at the three fifth years to make sure it was okay, to which we get a thumbs up. Eventually, we get into boats, our luggage going into the bottom part of them. The boats start to move on it's own, and neither of us had paddles, which shocks me at first, but Mr. No Name doesn't seem fazed by any of it.

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