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The last thing you remember, you were late for your bus, so you were running on the slippery highway on a rainy October morning.

You heard an unfamiliar voice, or voices, but you weren't aware if you were awake or not.
Am I dreaming?
Your head throbbed.
What the fuck happened this morning?
You squinted open one eye and saw a blurry figure of a tall man. He seemed to have black hair.
All of a sudden, a smaller man bent down in front of you and said, "I think she's awake!"
You jumped back at the sound of his voice which made your head throb even worse.
You couldn't see perfectly, but you made out eleven other figures in the room. The room wasn't yours, nor any room in your house.

Where am I?
Who are these guys?
Am I being kidnapped by a gang?

"Good morning! Are you feeling alright?" A soft voice asked from the other side of the bed.
You twisted around slowly and looked at him. You didn't speak. Not that you couldn't, but you were afraid.
"That's fine," he smiled, "you don't have to answer. I don't expect you to in your situation."
Another guy nudged him and they walked away.
There were only two guys left in the room, the others left with the guy that talked to you.

"Sorry about them. They're really obnoxious especially when you've just woken up. Trust me I know," One of them said.
You wanted to respond, but you didn't know where to start.
"Hello? Are you deaf?" The other guy sounded annoyed.
"Seungkwan, please."
Seungkwan? You didn't know a Seungkwan. Once again you thought, who the fuck are you guys?
But this time, it wasn't in your head, and you said it out loud. You immediately covered your mouth in embarrassment.
"I know, I know. We don't know who you are either," The nicer one said.
"Then wh-why am I here?" You struggled to even form a sentence.
Seungkwan started to open his mouth but the other shut it for him.

"Well you see, you were... doing I don't know what in the street, when you slipped because of a puddle and fell and hit your head on the sewer. Me, Hansol, Junhui, Minghao, and Seokmin (don't worry I'll introduce everyone later) ran over to you to help you. Your head was all scratched up and you were unconscious. But we brought you back here to our hotel."
Oh yeah! It was rainy and you were late for your bus.
"How long was I asleep? You questioned.
"We think about 5 hours. We brought you here around 7am."
"And who are you?"
"Well I'm Joshua. And as you heard before, this is Seungkwan." Joshua pointed to Seungkwan.
Seungkwan smiled and bowed.

"Let me go get the others!" Seungkwan exclaimed and ran out of the room.
All of a sudden, the eleven guys returned.
They were all different heights and had different hair colors and cuts.

"Has she said anything yet?" One guy 'whispered' to Joshua, but it was loud enough for you to hear.

"Actually, I just explained to her what happened, and now you need to tell her who you are. Seungkwan and I already have" Joshua said.

"WE ARE SEV-" A smiley one said.

"Seokmin! Your NAMES." Joshua raised his brow.
"Sorry," Seokmin said, "As you hear, I'm Seokmin."
"Mingyu." The tallest said.
"I'm Hansol." Said the man who looked mixed.
"Wonwoo." The emo looking one said.
"Junhui. I prefer Jun."
"I'm Minghao."
"Jeonghan." The soft voice who had spoken to you earlier said.
"I'm Chan!"
"Jihoon," The smallest said.

"So what's your name?" Soonyoung asked you.
"I'm y/n." You replied.
"Ahhh beautiful name wow," Seokmin complimented you. He seemed weirdly happy. Maybe that was just him.
"Thank you."

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