Chapter 1

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(HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH to anyone reading this- ok so i made this magcon fanfic in 7th grade and it is the worst thing ever but i think its hilarious so im keeping the story up because i like reading it every once in a while cause its so bad. I really suggest you dont read it. Youve been warned hahah)

"Matt!" I burst into laughter "Stop! Ok ok I swear I will delete it!" I slowly say, still laughing because it feels like Matt has been tickling me forever. I posted a embarissing snapchat of him that I managed to screenshot, to instagram. "You promise you will delete it?" he says as he still squeezes my stomach, with the rest of my body pinned to his bed. "YES I PROMISE, MATT, NOW GET OF ME!" I scream with laughter continually coming out of my mouth.

Matt and I met through Carter and Carter's girlfriend, Skyler just about two weeks ago. We quickly became friends the first time we met. But nothing more than friends has happened. We hang out about every other day. Since its summer and we live fairly close to eachother, we just walk to one of our homes, take a walk, etc.

Nash, Jocelyn (nashes gf), Taylor, and Shayla (Taylor's gf) are in the room with us, talking and probably getting annoyed with all the noise we are making. Finally Matt gets off me and says with a serious but playful look on his face, "Ok delete it." I did as he told me to and deleted it. After that silence broke in, then Taylor blurts out "How bout we play truth or dare?" no one was answering so I just said "Sure, let's do it." every one kinda just nods and mumbles ya, ok. Plus his parents arn't home so it would be interesting.

"Ok who wants to go first?" Matt asked "Me!" Jocelyn immediately shouts. "Ok makeout with Nash" Matt's says with a chuckle at the end, as if it's a joke. Her and Nash look at eachother, and just start going at it. "Ok... who is next? How about you, Y/N." Shayla suggests. I shrug my shoulders and say "Ok" then Taylor says "I've got one for Y/N!" he walks over to Matt whispers something in his ear the I can hardly make out. All I hear is take, on, and minutes. "Fine." Matt says while standing up he reaches his hand out for mine, so I take it. He leads me down the stairs, and out side his house.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I ask.

"Well Nash wants us to do 7 minutes in heaven in this old abandoned tree house but we can just do other stuff like talk."

"Oh k"

We arrive to the large tree house and go up the stairs. It's about 7:30 at night so the sun is setting. Matt sits first and I sit about 2-3 feet away from him. It was a little awkward but me and Matt are practicly best friends. "Soo.." I say as I stare into his eyes. They look so perfect right now, he looks so perfect. He actually looks really hot right now. Ive never really had that kind of feelings for him... until now.

What am I thinking he would never like me like that. Would he? He hasn't said anything. He just stares back at me. Then half of a smile comes on his face. "What?" I ask. Still nothing he just barely laughs and still smiles. "What?" I ask more seriously. He finally replies, "Youre beautiful." What? Did he really just say that. I feel my cheeks getting red. My heart beat increases. My mouth opens and I try to say something. I'm speechless. I'm in total shock. Say something. Anything. I.. I- he cuts me off not with his voice but with his lips. Just like that, we were there kissing. And it felt amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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