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Third Person POV

Percy walked up to camp and saw a boy he had never seen before battling a hell-hound the kid was losing and was about to be killed so Percy jumped in and killed the hell-hound with one slash from Riptide as it turned to dust the kid came up to Percy and thanked him as they walked down the hill Percy explained about monsters and the Gods as the two boys walked to the big house a the symbol of Eris goddess of discord and strife came above the new kid's head he had told Percy that his name was Riley and he was 17 Percy was surprised that he was so old because the gods were supposed to claim there kids when they turned 13 put Percy's friends Piper and Leo hadn't been claimed until later so he brushed it off as nothing as did the rest of the camp when the two boys entered the big house Chiron met them and asked what happened and Riley said that Percy let him kill a Hell-hound with Riptide when he found him on Half-blood hill Percy was fine with the kid calming one of his kills he had plenty so he went along with it giving the kid a good name at camp but weeks later things started happening and they were blamed on Percy like when the Golden Fleece was painted green and blue with fish sewn onto it Percy couldn't have done it because he was terrible at sewing and would never remove the fleece from Thalia's tree because it was far too dangerous then after that the Ares table was vandalized with pink unicorn toys and teddy bears being glued onto it then the Aphrodite cabin was stink bombed and painted black with red trim the Athena cabins books were torn and water damaged and the laptops had all there keys torn out and the Demeter campers flower beds had all there plants pulled out and replaced with weeds and there gloves and seeds were stolen. Percy was soon left with only the seven, Grover, Nico and Thalia as friends but bunker 9 was flooded and all the plans and electrical things were destroyed so Leo left and then one day Piper had noode's taken and posted allover camp with Percy's signature on the bottom so Piper and Jason left Hazel and Frank went when a recording of them having sex was sent to all who had phones at camp sent from Percy's phone Nico, Thalia, Grover and Annabeth knew that Percy would never do those things so they stayed but Thalia went in the end when her cabin was filled with sand and shells making it look like a beach threw up in it then one day Paul and Sally were in a car crash and they died so he broke down and blew up the arena in the middle of the night so he went to calm down with Nico in his cabin but they had a fight and Percy said things about Nico's sister Bianca that he didn't mean so Nico left Percy. Next Percy went to talk to Grover his oldest friend only to find-out that Grover's reed pipes a present from Grover's dead father had been left in the arena and been vaporized in the explosion. So Percy only had his girlfriend Annabeth but that night Annabeth broke-up with Percy because she had a crush on the new kid Riley Percy went over to the Eris cabin and pulled out the kid while he slept and beat him up on the beach where he confessed that he had done the pranks so Percy started to drag Riley over to the cabins to make him confess what he did but before he got off the beach the Gods appeared telling him that he was far to powerful and needed to be killed they all pulled out there weapons and tired to kill him but Percy was stronger than the gods combined and dodged all they threw at him and Poseidon angered at Percy told him he was no longer his son and had to hand over his sword so Percy did and he fought all the Gods weaponless and still one knocking them out Percy wrote a note and left it on the ping-pong table in the big house then he packed a bag full of all his money, lots of food and healing supplies then ran out of camp Half-blood and into the woods where he would spend three months running for his life being chased by the Hunters of Artemis but finding demi-gods and bringing them to ether the Roman camp or the Greek camp depending on how they answered his questions he would always get to know them and would always remember there names, personality's and looks but he would never tell them his name and all they had were his looks and small bits of his personality he would drop them off at the edge of the boarder and watch them pass it then before they could look back he would be gone. one day as he spied on the Hunters of Artemis he found out that all the kids that he had brought to camp called him the boy with the broken green eyes and that no-one would tell them his real name. one day as Percy disappeared from Half-blood hill a person dressed in a black cloak with a hood covering his face came towards Percy and he asked Percy to join his army as Commander and since Percy had no father the man would adopt him  Percy didn't have anything to loses accepted his offer and that was the day Percy Jackson died and Commander Shadow Assassin of Chaos was born.

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