lissahearts: Rebecca! meet me at Starbucks in 5 minutes!!! :)
main0bsessi0n: Okay why?
lissahearts: I need my chai tea latte and I don't want to be alone...
lissahearts: Plus Greyson is there and I need to look socially active! what should I wear!!??
main0bsessi0n: gosh liss. if you dress up just for Starbucks won't he notice? he's going to think your a little strange.
lissahearts: Your right...
lissahearts: but should I wear my white open toed flats or jimmy choos?
main0bsessi0n: ...
lissahearts: Fine! ill see you at starbucks!
lissahearts: but I'm wearing my jimmy choos....