The arrangement. (A Zerrie lovestory, Vamp! Zayn.)

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My life seemed pretty simple before the contract, I worked in a tiny cafee just outside of town, a ten or so minute from my house, I had no boyfriend but that didn't really matter, I was studying art at uni and I was bloody happy, I still lived at home with both of my parents, My name is Perrie Edwards and this is my life. 

~Day one.~"Perrie!" I heard my mother scream from the top of the stairs, I wandered lazily towards her, raising a brow in the direction the yell came from. "What?" I shouted back, god I wanted to sleep. I had one damn day off. "Carol just rung me! She's got a job..She won't tell me what, but it's full time and you'd love it, or so she said. Please go for an interview love? Today at half one....Please go?" She said softly, moving into my view. I forced myself to smile and nod at my mother, sighing gently. "Okay mum, Where is it?" I asked in wonder, my mother's friend Carol was high up in her job for Famous people, she helped sort the problems out, with the paps and things. "Just go to her house, she told me. " I laugh and nod my head, running up the stairs and kissing my mother's cheeks. "Well it's half eleven. I've got to shower and get there and be nice looking..." I laugh as my mother tells me I'm always nice to look at. 

By the time half past twelve arrives I'm ready to go, Wearing some black skinny jeans, a loose bat wing top, just a plain white one and a black cardy, I grab my bag and off I go, It seems like a year until I get there, but I walk in and there Carol is, grinning from ear to ear. "Perrie love! I'm so happy you came, I think this will be perfect for you dear....Why don't you sit down?" I take my seat and look at her with a small smile. "So what is the job Carol? I can do coffee girl and work my way up if need be, anything will do, You tell me and I'll take it." I confess, I need the money, the cafee is only small and hardly pays anything, but it's the only job I have at the moment. I see her pause, and a small smile appear. "Perrie. We need you to be One Direction Zayn Malik's girlfriend. " I watched her say the words, I said them again in my head, I looked blankly before finally opening my mouth to speak. "I---What?!" I found myself blurting out, my eyes wide. "HIS GIRLFRIEND?!" I said in a shocked voice, standing up. "Why would he need a fake girlfriend?! WHY ME?!" I said in a rush of anger, I bite my lip to stop myself from swearing at her and telling her to just fuck off, but I managed to keep my cool. "Perrie love...Just meet him, go out a few times and in a weeks time.. We'll do the signing of the contract. He needs someone, A fan, just to give him good public eye....And his seen you around....I think he likes you, Perrie. I've showed him photos and told him all about you, please... You might even find a happy ending after the contract ends." 

"Okay. I'll do it." I found myself saying, wait what?! what did I just agree to doing, this was mental and there wasn't another way to describe it. Mental. I got given his phone number, I was told to ring him straight away, so walking out Carol' door, I found myself dialing the number, hearing the annoying beep. beep. beep. beep. That was before the wonderful dark and husky "Hello?" Came from the end of the phone, I found myself speechless, I just breathed into the phone. "Hello, anyone there?" He said again, I stammered quickly. "Hi....Sorry, I'm Perrie...Perrie Edwards, Carol told me to ring you?" I could hear the shock in his voice almost. "You took the job?" He asked in shock, even over the phone I could hear it. I found myself laughing, at the shock and at the fact I'd taken the job. "Yeah....Week first, see if we get along well enough to fake being a couple...."He seemed to like this idea, I could hear the grin in his voice and the words he used expressed that. "That's great! This will be good, I'll look after you I promise... We'll have a great time! ....It might not even have to be fake..." He whispered the last part, I got caught onto the end of it. My heart stopped, I could hear the hushed whispers in the background, Then a loud voice. " ZAYN LET ME TALK TO THE GIRLFRIEND I'LL MAKE HER LOOOVE YOU." I felt myself shaking with laughter, moving along the street as the fighting went along, after a moment an "HELLO! My name is Louis the real best friend of your boyfriend, I'd just like to say lovely choice of man and will you also be my friend? And my girlfriend' friend, because you know my best friend and his girlfriend getting along? It'd be good you know?" I couldn't help rolling with laughter, nodding my head. "I'm Perrie, Nice to meet you Louis...And I'm not his girlfriend yet, A week before I choose if I want to take the job..." I said in a small laugh, rounding off to my house. "I'm going to go, but tell Zayn to meet me at the Lovers teatime cafe, It's where I work at sometime in the morning? Maybe about half eleven? A girl needs her sleep. Bye bye Louis!" I said before hanging up, grinning from ear to ear. I hoped this went well, A I need the money, B, Zayn sounded amazing and C, I just had to meet this Louis guy. 

~Day two.~

I could hear my alarm blearing at quarter past ten, I sighed and dragged my feet along to the shower room, grabbing my brush hacking it through my tangled blonde locks, Once in the shower I washed myself in a strawberry shower gel and washed my hair in a cherry smelling one, I dried my hair and let it hang in loose curls, moving and getting dressed in a pair of shorts, with tights under them, with a batman top and my DR.Martins. I grinned at my reflection, doing my make up. Once happy that I looked nice, I walked to the cafee and was greeted by the most amazing sight, Jo... My all time crush, he was just stunning, black hair, bit pale, tall and buff. He wasn't the reason I was here, I had to remind myself, Of course I knew what this Zayn looked like, everyone knew one direction, I spotted him sitting in a chair by the window, looking out of it with a mindless smile, he was stunning, perfect hair, jawline, eyes... God, he was perfection. I moved over to him and smiled sheepishly. "Hi... I'm Perrie. " I said nervously, my eyes down cast as I waited for a reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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