The Masks We Wear

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"Spill the beans, Stephanie!"
My cheeks filled with heat as we headed into the office canteen.
"I don't know what you mean?"
I responded coyly.
"You know damn well, what I mean!"
Pulling open the cupboard that held the coffee cups, I buried my head in pretending to dig around to find my favourite mug; which was actually right in front of me, all just so I could hide the shit eating grin on my face.
The door came swinging shut on my face. Luckily, I was pretty limbre. I managed slide back enough for the laminated wood to only scrape the tip of my nose.
"What the hell, Gwen! You nearly took off my head!"
My fingers rubbed the tip of my nose, thankful she didn't rearrange my face. I mean, Simon would go crazy if I came home with bruises on my face. He's very protective of me.
"Oh shut up, it missed you by a mile. Now tell me why you have been in a daze all day with that deep red blush on your cheeks. And also why you think you're hiding that smug grin of yours. Because FYI, you have a really bad poker face".
Looking at Gwen's eager face, I couldn't keep my happiness inside any longer, I had to tell someone before I exploded with excitement. She was my best friend after all.
I met her shortly after I moved to the city a year ago and we became fast friends.
Coming from a small town out in "hicksville" I was always told that big city living was hell on earth. When I got here, I almost expected to be mugged right off of the bus. But I have to say, city folk are a hell of a lot more accepting than the people of my hometown.
"Fine!" I caved. Only acting pissed as I was dying to tell her anyway.
I grabbed my coffee cup, filled it to the brim and sat at one of the empty tables. Gwen, shuffling in to the chair at my side.
"It finally happened, didn't it?" She asked eagerly.
I nodded
"It did..." I answered.
An ear piercing squeal drew everyone's attention to our table.
Gesturing with my hands to keep it down, Gwen nodded and let me continue. Biting her lip as she did.
"Simon and I became an official couple, as of this weekend" I stated proudly.
Gwen, bounced and clapped in her seat with happiness.

Simon was my next door neighbour and he was drop dead gorgeous. Messy blond hair, tanned skin and abs for miles. We met when I "accidentally" dropped one of my moving boxes on his foot as I passed him in the hallway. Him being shirtless may have been the reason my arms had turned to noodles.
He helped me move the rest of my stuff in to my apartment and to say thank you, I ordered take out and opened a bottle of wine.
Sparks flew and the chemistry between us ignited. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other and the sex was mind blowing. I swear I'd had an out of body experience. I was smitten.
The only issue was, Simon was a womanizer.
And our one night of passion wasn't enough to change that back then.
The year that followed was me pretending to be ok as he brought one whore after another home and I was forced to listen to each one of them enjoy what I had experienced that first night.
I would go to work the next day and vent my frustrations and heartache to Gwen. Hence her over excitement at our reunion.

"Tell me everything!" She insisted. So I did.
"Oh Gwen, it was so romantic. I don't think I could have planned it any better myself.
It started with the blackout on Saturday night. I was painting my bedroom walls and was half way down the step ladder when the lights went out. I completely missed the last few steps and tumbled to the ground, pulling everything down on top of me. Paint and all.
Barely having time to get to my feet and wash any of the scarlet red paint from my body; there was a knock at the door.
Fumbling through the darkness, I headed towards the door, knowing I was probably leaving paint prints all over the walls.
Swinging open the door, I gasped as I took in Simon before me lit by the light of his cell with a dozen red roses. They were beautiful. He was beautiful.
'Hey just checking if you're ok. I heard a scream and a lot of commotion'
I couldn't reply as I watched the heat rise in his eyes when he took in my appearance. My thin white t-shirt was probably clinging to my body with all the red paint I was covered in.
'What have you done?' He asked tenderly, clearing a smudge from my cheek with the pad of his thumb.
I stood aside, letting him in to see the carnage for himself.
He froze as he shone his light around the room.
'What the hell happened!?'
'I fell' was my only response. I couldn't concentrate with him and my bed in the same room.
Flash backs of the year before flooded my mind making me hot and bothered. He must have been thinking the same as before I knew what was happening; he dived at me. Taking us both down on to the bed in a sticky red and tangled heap."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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The Masks We Wear (Short Story)     #Halloween2k17Where stories live. Discover now