homeless • larry stylinson au

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Harry doesn't mind waking up early to his over-fed, ash-tray-gray cat called Sadie nudging his hips: she's Harry's alarm. He finds it a thousand lots better than a screeching clock. This way, he doesn't piss his pants at 6am.

Harry always feeds Sadie first, pouring her a cup of water and a bowl of kibble (sometimes with some egg whites if she's lucky.) For himself, he will most likely butter a piece of bread.

Before he leaves he makes his bed, shrugs into a sweater, and messes with his unruly curls.

His shift at Café Crème begins at 6:45 every morning. There, is where he makes the money to pay for his side job (hobby): photography. It's not much, but Harry didn't finish college and it's the best he can do: he is more than happy with it

His walk to work isn't the most scenic, nor is it the calmest, but it's fresh air, and Harry's lungs thank him for that.

Harry's the one who opens the shop everyday, manning the coffee machine, serving the early-bird caffeine drinkers- and if time allows- making his own crafty concoctions.

Harry's two best mates try and visit him between classes at UNI and it sort of works out, he still talks with the girls at work, and he tries to be friendly with the customers.

From the outside, to the naked eye, Harry looks so painfully alone in his daily life, but he's well liked, quite the charmer, actually.

Harry manages to trip over his own feet too many times to count each day yet he also manages to get a few numbers along the way. Harry throws the meaningless little peices of paper out at the end of the day. He collects his tips at 5pm and (only on Tuesdays) his paycheck.

Then he returns home quickly enough to feed Sadie a bowl full of tuna (he hates to admit it, but he just loves spoiling her) and maybe he cooks himself some chicken and rice; Harry likes chicken and rice, a lot.

If it's a good day he'll grab his camera, open his window, and take some shots of the people walking across the pavement infront of the warehouse he rents.

He has two cameras, an HD something-or-other, and then he has one of those old 80s/90s cameras, the ones that the pictures come out the front end all tattered and black and white. He likes to use that one on the good days.

By the time Harry's finished it's gotten colder -damn the city- and he has lit a fire.

At this point, a while back, he used to hop outside with a rag and some disinfectant to wash the spray paint off of his front porch (if you could call it that.) Now, he doesn't. He just looks at it, almost waits to see the new pieces of art that get created every so often.

So now that doesn't he scrub for hours and hours on end, he has a bit or free time. This consists of reading books, currently Pride and Prejudice, because why not?

Sadie likes to coil herself in Harry's lap, humming as he sometimes reads out loud (he does this just to make sure he still can) and sometimes he falls asleep in the creak-y rocking chair, but mostly not, because Harry likes to wake up in familar places, and no matter how many times he's done it (fall asleep reading) he is still extremely startled the next morning.

So he stops at around 10/11 pm (12 if he's feeling up to it) and places the book back in its rightful place on the shelf above the fire -which he puts out.

Harry washes his and Sadie's dishes and places them back into the cupboard -because he hates waking up to a sink full of dishes- and gives Sadie a spoonful of peanut butter, just because he can.

He slides under his three, sometimes four, duvets and waits for Sadie to give her okay (jumping up to join him) before shutting off the lamp.

Harry is trying out for a new job in a month.

It'll be different.


Short I know ik sorry but I'm honestly freaking excited. And I already have Larry moments planned and just yeah. Inspiration comes from a lot of people but especially @octobertwo (@bottominglouis)

I think she's @octobertwo again lol. so yeah. Thanks guys! This is my main focus and I will only be updating this.. So yeah.'(:

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