This story is about a boy who goes to the banff springs hotel in Calgary.
OK kids your Halloween project is due on Monday said Mrs huff Nigel,billy said to me GEE Nathaniel what are you going to do your project on, I replied the banff springs hotel in Calgary, So he said I heard its hunted, I replied no shit that's why I'm going there. Good luck billy said I herd some Fucked up shit happens there. So I went I said Can i please have room 873, The clerk said room is unavailaible I said online it said it was available, The clerk called the hotel manger, The hotel manger Said Can we talk I nodded so we went into his office, We sat down to talk he said my name is gorge burns I shook is hand and said my name is Nathaniel Leblanc. After he said please take a set M.r leblanc so I did, than he said you can take 872 but do not take room 873 . I said just give me the fucking key and ill get out of your way. The key was locked away in a safe he opened it and gave me the key I said thak you . So I took the elevator up to the 8th floor when I got there.
I heard this baby crying and nobody was there,so I walked on when I got to the room I opened it with my key When I opened it, there was this teenager right infount of me. He wore A white shrit with blood stains all over it, I just said to myself Its not real than he was gone, so I enterd the room. Then I took a deep breth and went into the room, I walked around the room I had a note pad and I was walking and writing at the same time. Then I layed on the bed, Then the alarm clock radio went on Then the count down happened I do not know what it was for but it happend, Then Iooked out into the pitch black woods Then the goddamn window closed on my fingers. I yelled FUCK FUCK FUCK!. It was bleeding bleeding bad, So went to the washroom to wash the blood of my hand. The tap turned to hot water It was so hot that it was steaming I then said FUCK FUCK FUCK! again Then I took the towel to put it on I tryed to turn off the tap with the towel but it burned though, I had a shut I warped it around my hand to stop the bleeding. I called The hotel manger I said Im, done Im finished you got me. When I dialed the phone melted into wax. I picked up my bags and was going to leave then when I got to the door I put the key in the key hole and the key broke,the part I needed went though the key hole like someone pulled it through, I had a knife in my bag and I tryed to Opened it and I could not opened it but I could not. then I yelled at the top of my lungs FUCK, no one head me, I tryed to go up the vent, I had found a latter and put it up to the vent and opped it and climbed through hoping to escaped I was crawling though, I came across a man who died in the vent, Maggots were feeding on his flesh He some how awoke and he chased me back to my room. When I got there I slipped and I was in the hospital and when I got out I went to school and said to Mrs. huff Nigel I have my fucking story.
Why are You not afried of the dark
Horrorare you afraid of the dark? do you see things in the night? do you here things? do you sleep in fear ?