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"V-ictor..." yuri said as he trembled.
Victor and yuri had been out drinking, we all know how victor gets.
Vicotrs kisses his neck gently
" victor please, you're drunk , let me put you bed before you do anything crazy" he said trying to push him off of him
" no.." victor leaned down wards keeping yuri pinned to the floor of his apartment living room.
" let me make love too you" he went to kiss yuri deeply, grinding against him
Yuri blushed and deep red and couldn't help what he was letting him too
Victor leaned up and took his shirt off. Showing his signature 6 pack. He kissed yuri again and went to take his shirt off
After 10 minutes of deep kissing he led him to the bed room. Almost butt naked. He pushed yuri onto the bed and crawled on top of him, looking to his eyes.
" I promise, I'll be gentle , my little skating star"
At that moment he put his arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss
"Take me now vicor!"
He slide off yuris undergarments. Surprised by his member size.
He starts to stroke it harder and harder

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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