Chapter 1

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I was frustrated, but I wasn't surprised, I knew they'd do something terrible to me. It was about time. But sadly they never took time to know me. They don't know anything about me. They don't know my secrets, not a single one. Since we were such great friends, I might as well show them my secret. I decided to show them, to show them what I've been hiding. "I'm sorry" William said, with a stupid expression on his face. His voice sounded croaky. He wasn't talking normally. He looked like he was gonna laugh and cry at the same time. I've never seen that expression before, it was kind of creepy. He giggled, the creepy giggle, the kind you hear in horror movies, the kind freaky puppets make when they try to scare you. He wasn't really sorry, he was faking it. What else would you expect? The teacher was watching. I walked up to him and kicked him in the leg, punched him in the cheek and ran home.

As I ran off William started crying, because I punched him of course. That's when I remembered we were all like that, I remembered we were only 9. I was only 9, and yet so much had happened already. When I got home I ran into my room, shut the door and cried, on my bed of course. Why? Why did this have to happen to me? Just then my mom came in.

" Hi sweetie, why aren't you at school?" I tried to ignore her but then she said " Your dad called, he said we're moving back to earth, but of course that depends on you, do you want to?" I couldn't believe it, were we really going back?

" What? Really? Are we? You...We, yes, of course, I wanna go back! That's like a dream come true!" I was confused but extremely happy at the same time.

" Good, then that's settled, we're leaving at the end of the school year." I couldn't wait for the last day to come.

" Great!" I told her. She left my room. I was sooooo happy. I would never have to see the horrible people from this school again! That's when I noticed the rain when I noticed I was still on venus. I noticed the rain again. Tip, tap, tip, tap, tip,tap and it stopped. I looked outside. The rain really did stop!!! I ran outside. Lightning hit one of the trees around me. The only thing that stopped was the rain. I picked some cool looking flowers and examined them one by one. Then I went back inside. That's when I realized one of the flowers had a bug stuck to it. I got a cup from the kitchen and forced the bug into it, then I turned the cup over so it wouldn't escape. It wanted to come out, it was pushing against the glass, it was pushing like crazy. There was a loud buzzing noise coming from the bug. It was the kind of buzz my mom's computer made when it was too hot. Buzz. It reminded me of William. And the way he locked me in the closet. I stared at the bug. It was locked in a glass, the way I was locked in the closet. I stared at it. I lifted the cup and let it free. Sad life. I didn't know I was similar to some trapped bug. I've hardly even seen live bugs before. On Venus of course, there were hardly any bugs. Mostly because of the rain. Earth had millions of bugs. I missed earth. I wanted to go back.

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