It Could Be Worse (A Zombie Apocalypse With Spideypool

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Wades POV

Peter sat in the middle of the floor with his head tucked into his knees crying and I was standing there "Wade, WHY WHY did I let myself run I loved her."


Peters POV

"M-Mary -Jane your bitten!" I started at her bite it was changing color quickly "Peter I want you to run and never look back. no matter what you hear!" I staired into her green eyes turning black "Run..." she kissed me. Wade grabbed my hand "Mary-Jane!" she ran toward the forest "Ahhhhh!" .she screamed Wade kept tugging my hand "MARY!" I dug my heels into the tough soil "Let's go kid she's gone you can't do crap about it." Wade said rudely "She's my love!" I cry tears began to fall. Wade turned around "Walk now or this spider will get squished." he says in a serious tone. I  yanked my hand free of his grip."Fine!" I wipe my tears but they still fall we can see the house by now and reach into my pocket and feel something I pull it out Mary-Jane's Locket with her wedding ring attached to it. More tears fall.

-End of flash back-

Peter's POV

I can't just sit here and cry. I have to be a man and toughen up. If Aunt May was here I would be slapped. I must move on. If Mary-Jane was supposed to die I must have a different love I walk over to my dresser and pull out the wedding ring box and put the ring back in and take mine off. My skin can finally breath again. I open the locket to see a picture of me and her. I close the locket and put it in my locket I walk over to my bed and fall asleep. (5 minutes later.) someone is shaking my body "Peter wake up."Its Wade  "Why?" "Oh no reason, other than zombies broke in!" I jump out of bed with nothing but boxers on I throw on a red t-shirt ,blue ripped jeans and flip on black and red Toms.I grab my AK-47 and reload it "lets go." I run down the stairs spinning around shooting zombies. I see one see looks different looks like her cuts are new her hair is brushed Mary-Jane?

It Could Be Worse (A Zombie Apocalypse With SpideypoolWhere stories live. Discover now