Chapter 39

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I smacked my lips "boy stop playing" he lazy butt was still knocked out in his bed.
"Mya I told you I'm feeling sick" I smacked him "Lie again and ama smack you"
"What the hell , you already did " he caressed his cheek. "August stop playing we were suppose to go shopping today" I whined

"Ya babe we went yesterday the day before and the day before that , like what else is there to buy. "I pouted. It was kinda true can you blame me though. "I think you bought out the whole mall already."
"You doing as if I didn't buy you anything"
"I'm very grateful for it even though I told you you didn't have to" he mumbled getting more cuddled up in his sheets.

"Oh come on August ,don't make me smack your bottom "  I threatened , his head popped out the covers with a look of disgust and shock. "So you goin just threaten to violate me while I'm sick" I chuckled "do I get to squeeze your's?"
" Hell no!" I laughed .he scoffed "some bull" he mumbled before going back under his covers.

I faked an exaggerated sighed . "Aight fine , I'll go by my damn self" I mumbled getting up and packing my bag.

"Go with Becca"

"She out with Dennis " I could hear him turning around in his bed. " How about Cha"
"She bout to leave because the kids got a play date " I hear him mumble a damn.
I was about to leave his room. "I'll call the boys then " I shook my head . "Nah with all the boys at the mall I'll make new friends" so I prolly said that on purpose because of how protective he can be. He frowned at me . "Gimme a sec lemme change my clothes."

"No I mean is cool you can stay maybe my new friends would tell me if I look good in the clothing booth"

"Mya I'm almost done , you best stop talking all that nonsense before I shut you up. Ain't no guy going see you in nothing ."

"Oh he being mean to you huh Aunt Mya ?" Noonie said with her hand on her hip shaking her head. I pouted nodding my head.

"It's okay Aunty we got you " Chay said , looking at me sympathetically . Kay came with all the attitude of the world on her face .

"Girls let's go" Chandra yelled from downstairs. "Okay mommy " Chay yelled back. Just then August came back out from the bathroom.

"Oh and uncle Aug shut don't go up prices do " Chay said with her hand on her hip. "And you better not be mean to aunty Mya again" she pointed her finger at him .

His face , oh my gosh. Hahaa. They good . I feel for the kids at their school.  He shook his head afraid to answer them. She eyed him before smiling at him "mhmm" then walked away . " You better not uncle Aug " noonie singed while walking away. "Or it's going be yo booty " Kay smirked walking.

I snickered " so you goin leave them lil kids school you like that " he stale face me and I busted out laughing .

"Hi hi hi hi funny " his sarcasm made me laugh even more. "Watch I stay home and you go by yourself"

I settled down "okay okay I'm done" I watch his straight his and I started laughing all over again.

"Maan you a trip" he started laughing a bit.


"Mya I'm tired of holding these bags and I'm hungry as hell" August whined . Both his hands were full with bags .
"Aight aight let's go put these in the car and then we'll go eat"

We walked out and started putting them in the car . Russell wasn't there anymore cuzz Aug was driving my car. I spotted a familiar face ." Anthony!?"

When he turned I recognized him in a heartbeat. I screamed and ran to hug him.

"How are you ?!" He looked so happy to see me. I haven't seen my cousins from my moms side of the family in a long time.

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