I'm baaaaaack!!! So today I was playing with my ball and all of a sudden my back started itching so I decided I was gonna roll around to get the itch to go away and while I was itching my back, SLICK STOLE THE BALL I WAS CHEWING ON!!!
I was so upset but luckily then Allison had taken the ball away from slick and gave it to me. 5 minutes later slick stole my ball AGAIN!!!! By then I was raged Allison gave me the ball back and I teased him that I had it! It was fun until Gabrielle took it and put it in a high place so neither me or slick could get it! I started to whine because I couldn't get it and I got really sad. Me and slick talked it out and said I would get the ball and he would get half of my food for the next week. Allison made us share it so we took turns throwing the ball and once I tried to steel it and Gabrielle stole it. Well I'm gonna go try to get the ball back! <3
A Dogs Perspective
De TodoHai it's Chiquita and you have found my doggy diary (that's what I call it) I am so excited that I have such a great family! Hope u have fun reading my diary!