Lost and found

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Okay guys, from now on i am going to try to upload as often as possiblee!! really sorry if it doesn't trun out to be very often! :)

ella_<3_styles xx ;)


Louis' P.O.V

I don't think I've ever driven so fast in my life. Red lights weren't important, nor were zebra crossings. Jess has been found!! The mood is so much lighter it's unbelievable. But I mean, to be honest, it still doesn't really feel very real. I really don't think I've ever been this relieved before. Even though we didn't know her for long, it feels like we've been friends for years. She's one of those people. Just so.. likeable. More than that. Loveable. That's the word. Loveable. I love her already. I think we all do. 

Harry's P.O.V

I'm not even sure I can describe in words how.. how happy I am. That doesn't nearly some it up. I'm not sure what will. After we get her back, I am never, NEVER, letting her out of my sight again. Never. I don't think I'd be able to take it another time. I don't think I'd be able to live through it again. You'll think this is stupid, cos I haven't even known her for that long at all. Hardly two weeks. But I've never felt like this with a girl before. I have got plenty of fans asking to marry me, but no one has ever made me feel like I feel with Jessica. She just makes me feel so... special. And so blumin' lucky to have her. Which is why I felt as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest and torn in to tiny shreds when she disappeared. And I swear to myself now that I will never, ever let that happen again.

Jess' P.O.V

I sat on the cold, stone bench in the police station, rubbing my aching head. I tried for the hundreth time to remember the events of the last month, the last weeks even just the last few days but... nothing. I couldn't even remember my own birthday. I didn't even know who I was. Everything had gone. Everything. At least I haven't lost all my memory, though.   I remember things that happened over a year ago, although sometimes I forget those details too. And after that I remember not a thing. The police officers told me I was kidnapped. That some guy called Harry Styles called them and they found me in a bush, shivering, in the dead of night. Seems the kidnapper hadn't been interested in me. That's what the police officer said. That I had just been dumped at the side of the road. Just left there. And they had found me. Apparently the guy who had told them was coming to pick me up now, with his friends and with Emily. Apparently he was in a boyband called One Direction. Apparently I love One direction. Seems weird to me though, seeing as I have no idea who they are. I should probably be really excited that my favourite boyband are coming to see me, but seeing as I have no memory of them, I just can't get my blood pumping.

It's hard to feel any emotions really, when I can't remember anything to have any emotional feelings about.The only emotion I ever feel is confusion. Is confusion an emotion? I don't know. I guess so. But I'm not sure, really. I'm not really sure of anything anymore.


After what felt like hours, a police officer with a huge brown moustache, that looked as if a mouse was lying on his upper lip came in. "Here she is," he said in a low voice. He seemed to find the situation very awkward, and didn't quite know where to look. So he decided to just look at the ground. When the people coming to pick me up caught up with him, he abruptly left, practically running down the corridor, seemingly grateful to be able to leave the room.

"Jess! We missed you! How are you? Are you ok? Did they hurt you? In any way? What was it like? Were you scared? Did he do anything bad to you? Jess? Jess? JESS??" A bombardment of questionswere thrown straight at me in every direction. I was shaken, grabbed, pulled, hugged by complete strangers. It was completely overwhelming. Among the strangers was Em. It gave me comfort seeing someone I knew amongst all these strangers. She noticed how I was feeling and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. I clung onto her, as if I was clinging on to reality, which I was in a sense.

"Are you ok?" she asked quietly.

I hesitated a minute, then nodded and shrugged at the same time. 

"She has lost her memory and will need to be taken to the hospital immediatly." A different officer, a woman this time explained from the doorway.

"Oh, Jess!" Emily sighed, unable to hide the worry from her voice. "Do you remember me? Emily? Your best friend?"

"Umm.. yeah I think so.." my voice sounded weird, like someone else's. I was completely unsure of myself.

"Do you know who these people are?" She gently asked gesturing to a group of boys standing behind us, looking worried.

I hesitated a second, then shook my head slowly.

They seemed shocked that I had forgotten them, which seemed strange seeing as I was sure I hadn't met them before.

"They are from a band called One Direction," she explained. "Do you remember One Direction?"

"The officer mentioned them.. but.....   no, I don't think I remember them.." I said, trying to assure myself as I spoke.

"Boys, introduce yourselves again and tell jess something about yourselves," Emily said. They all looked dead worried. The first one stepped forward, looking a little nervous.

"Um.. I'm Zayn and I'm the vain one!," he said, holding out his hand.

"Hey zayn," I replied, shaking his hand. Even though the atmosphere was awkward and a little weird, all the boys started laughing. I counted them. Four.

"What?" asked Emily, sounding frustrated.

"It's just.. just seems wrong and odd reintroducing ourselves to Jess when she knew us straight off when we first met!! Sorry," another one said. He turned to me, as if only just remembering I was there. "I'm Louis," he said, "oldest member of 1D! And funniest of course!" at the confused look on my face he explained that '1D' was the shortened word for One direction. I got it.

"Niall," another one came forward. "The blondie and the one who loves FOOOODD!!! " he grinned at me.

"Liam," the last one said, holding out his hand. "Daddy Direction! The serious one of the band."

I shook it awkwardly.

"Jess?" an anxious voice I didn't recognize called out. I looked up to see a fifth band member standing there. He had just walked in I think. I didn't recognize his face either. He has longish brown curls and very cute dimples when he gave me a brief smile. But soon the smile was gone. "Surely.. you remember me?" I racked my brain. But nothing came. "Please tell me you remember me Jess. Please. I'm begging you. Just.. please. Remember me." I could hear the desperation in his voice, saw it shine in his eyes. "Jess?" his voice cracked. When he saw the still confused look on my face I couldn't hide, a tiny, silent tear trickled down his cheek. "God, Jess don't do this to me. Please don't do this to me. You haven't forgotten me. Not really. You haven't have you? You're just kidding me around. Just joking, aren't you?" he smiled hopefully, and how I wished I could tell this desperate stranger that yes, of course I remembered him, and yes, I was joking. But I wasn't and I'm a terrible liar. It was at this point that I realised this must be Harry.. what was it? Skyle? Syle? Something like that. I couldn't quite remember what the officer had said. When this 'Harry' person saw how deadly serious I was, he stood up and turned away, obviously trying to hide the many tears streaming down his face now, as his body shook with despair. 

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