Caught in the world of Hetalia!(a Hetalia fanfic)

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Chapter 1

I pulled the purple shirt over my head angrily.I hated this shirt.It was hideous.But I didn't have time to be both with going through the laundry for another.I had a party to get to.A crazy,anime filled grad party.My name's Mira Coleson and I'm an Otaku.Thanks to my friends,who introduced me to anime in eigth grade.Now here I was,a high school graduate and still crazy about it.I snatched up my knapsack and stormed downstairs to leave.

"Off to your party?"my mom yelled.I walked into the kitchen and nodded.She smiled. "Have fun,baby girl.You deserve it."I smiled back and gave her a hug.Then I hurried out the door and jumped in my car.I revved the engine and pulled out to go to the party.


"Stupid car,breaking down three miles away from the party.And in the middle of nowhere too."I muttered.What a way to spend my graduation party day.First I ruin my favorite shirt and have to wear this old thing,then my car breaks down as I get close to my friend Alex's house in Parma for our grad party.Now I have to walk along this narrow road for three miles surrounded by nothing but woods.I kicked a pinecone angrily."Stupid,stupid,stupid!"I kicked at the pinecone again but this time,I bowlegged it and found myself falling backwards into the woodsy hill."WOAH!"was all I could call out as I tumbled down the hill.I smacked my head against something and all went black.


"Is she okay?"I heard a voice say loudly,as if he were right in my ear.I groaned to show my annoyance.

"Wait to go,you git!You were loud enought to wake her up!"another voice said.He was definitely British.I tried to push myself up,but felt my arms buckle.Another set of arms caught me before I hit the ground again.

"Careful there.You got a pretty nasty mark on your head,so you probably won't be able to stand on your own."I heard the loud "git" say.I felt my body shift suddenly as I was scooped into the arms that had caught me.My eyes flew open,but everything was blurred.

"Ah shit!Where are my glasses?!"I croaked,as I hadn't yet spoken up to that moment."I can't see anything!"

"Are they purple plastic frames?"a voice with a heavy accent said.I nodded."Oh,vell,it seems that I stepped on them."

"What!?"I exclaimed.Where the hell was I anyway?!I felt a pang of pain echo through my head.

"Calm down.You'll exaggerate your head injury."the Brit said calmly.

"Ve,she looks sick."a voice with a slight Italian accent.

"Of course she does,her head is bleeding!"the "git" said.By this point,I was seated in a chair in a cool room.I panicked when I heard this.

"I'M BLEEDING?!"I yelled out.Another wave of pain shot through my head,but I couldn't help it.I hated the sight of blood and freaked out everytime I started bleeding.

"Calm down!Here,just let me-"the British voice started,but I cut him off and started swatting in front of me.

"No!Don't touch me!"I yelled,swinging my arms,probably looking ridiculous,but earning a collection of gasps and "Woah!"s from the people crowding me.Suddenly I heard a loud metallic "Pang!" as a metal object made contact with something.

"Back up!"a female voice shouted.I heard someone approach me and snatch my wrists."It's okay.I'll wrap your head for you,okay?"I sighed and nodded.The girl rustled around for something and then began to wrap my head tightly with gauze.When she finished,she patted my hand to let me know she was still there.

"Thanks,uh.."I started,but I didn't know her name.She seemed to know my thought.

"You can just call me Elizabeta,dear."she said."And you're welcome,it was no trouble."

"Guess what the awesome me has brung?"exclaimed the heavily accented voice which had disappeared til now.He didn't wait for an answer."I brought a new pair of glasses for the girl!"

"The girl's name is Mira."I said,raising an eyebrow.I felt a pair of wire rimmed glasses placed into my hand.

"The glasses shop across the street had your perscription,but did not have the same frames."he said,as if bragging,even though he had been the one to break them.I slipped the glasses onto my face and blivked a few times to adjust.Then I looked up at my saviors-and felt my jaw drop in awe.

It was Hetalia.The characters of Hetalia were standing before me.No,no,it couldn't have been them.It wasn't real.They were probably just some kick ass cosplayers.Yeah.Or I was just crazy.To my right was Hungary,who had been the one who wrapped my head and evidently whacked someone with the frying pan in her hand.In front of me was America,England,Prussia,Japan,and Italy.Other countries stood piled behind them,all staring at me like I was some sort of alien(scratch that,everyone but America,because of Tony,his alien).I blinked a few more times in awe.England took a hesitant step forward.

"Are you alright,Mira?"he asked experimentally.I nodded slowly.

"Um,yeah,I just may be a little crazy."I said.This definitely wasn't a dream,I concluded.For one,these guys were too real to be cosplayers.And two,I was no longer in the middle of the woods.I was in a conference room with the bustling sounds of a busy street outside."You see...I'm not from this world."

"So you're an alien?"America asked,lighting up slightly.

"What?No.You see,I'm from a different universe.In my world,you all-"I said,referring to all of them."-are anime characters."At this,Japan seemed to be drawn in.

"So,you are saying that you fell into our world from another?How?"Japan asked.I shrugged.

"I don't know.One minute,I'm walking to my graduation party and next thing I know,I've been knocked unconscious and I wake up here."I explained.England,who had been listening as well,looked at me curiously.

"Hm,well,I suppose we'll have to do some research into it.For now,though,you should rest up somewhere.As I am doing research for you,I voulenteer myself to look after you."he explained.

"No way,England!With your cooking,Mira would starve to death or die of food poisoning!She can stay with me!"America yelled,grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet."I am the hero after all!"

"I'm sure she would be comfortable somewhere else,my friends.Like with moi?"a voice belonging to none other than France said.Suddenly,a very large and very loud argument broke out.I tried to say something,but it was pointless.I felt a hand on my shoulder and it pulled me out of America's grip.I turned to see Elizabeta standing there.

"Don't worry."she said with a smile.Then she banged her frying pan on the table,silencing the feuding countries."Listen up!Mira will stay with me,any questions,talk to my frying pan.Now goodbye."She turned to me and lead me out of the room steadily.

"Who made her the boss?"I heard America say.


A/N:I know it was short and some of the characters may be off,but I hope you enjoyed!^^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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