Love is Overrated

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*WARNING* This book as harsh language, sexual remarks, and a lot of sarcasm, if not capable of not being a little shit, do not read! *WARNING*


I woke up the next morning. Here goes nothing, a new house, new school, new life. I hopped out of bed and into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm. I stripped from my pajamas which consisted of shorts and a sports bra. I quickly got into the shower and lathered my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I quickly soaped of my body and ran my razor over my legs to get rid of any stubble. 

When I got out, I dried off and dried my hair. I brushed through and walked back into my room to look for an outfit. I have to look presentable today so I grabbed a white sundress and a jean jacket. I did my makeup but I don't wear it heavy. Cover-up, a little eyeshadow, mascara, and a shear lipgloss. I curled the ends of my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. My dark haired curls framed my face.

"Maddy you're going to be late on your first day if you don't hurry" My mother yelled at me from downstairs. "Ok I'm coming" I yelled back. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. "You need to eat something for breakfast, dear" My mother eyed me down. I grabbed an apple and looked at her while I took a big bite. She laughed at me," Just go to school, silly." I laughed and hugged her tightly. "Love you mom" I playfully said. "Love you, too, dear" She smiled.


I arrived at school and parked in the very first spot I found. I got out and locked my car, a couple kids stared at me. I just continued to walk. There was an odd stare from a boy who seemed to tattoos on his body. His hair dark, olive skin tone, I think I even spotted a few piercings. Oh well, it's nothing, I'm sure he was just looking at me because he had never seen me before. 

I walked into the front office and looked around. "But I wasn't! I was just using the bathroom, I swear Mrs. Meloney!" I bright blonde screeched. "Ok, ok  just go back to class and don't get caught without a pass, again!" She laughed. "Thank you!" she screamed. I walked up next to them and asked," Uhm, excuse me, can you help me find Mrs. Dougers class?" I asked the lady that seemed to be named 'Mrs. Meloney'. "Oh I was just going back there, I'll take you if you'd like" The lively girl next me smiled. "That'd be great, just follow her" Mrs. Meloney smiled at me. "Oh, ok thank you" I smiled while the bright headed girl took my arm.

We got out into the hall and started walking. "So, are you new here?" She asked politely. "Uhm, yeah I just moved here from Michigan" I said back. "Oh that's amazing! It must be hard moving here then! Don't worry you'll have me, my name is Brooke Walters" She smiled. "I'm Madison Brian. But call me Maddy" I laughed. We continued talking until we got to the door. She opened the door and ran up to Mrs. Dougers. "Mrs. Dougers, we have a new student" She sang. I smiled and waved at her. "I'm Madison Brian" I said respectfully. "Well it's always nice to meet a new student, why don't you take a seat by Brooke, she'll help you with what we need and what we'll learn." She smiled. I thanked her and proceeded to sit next to Brooke.

Brooke told me all about what we'll need and how to catch up to what they are learning about. She even helped me find my classes for the day so I wouldn't get lost. She's a very sweet girl. We have 3 classes together so hopefully we'll become good friends. After first period, I said my goodbyes to her and started to walk to where she had told me. I arrived in a room and sat down. There wasn't very many people in there yet seeing that we still had about 3 more minutes until the bell rang. I began to read all the notes Brooke had written for me to help get back on track. I hadn't even notice someone had sat next to me until the bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to my right and saw the same guy I had seen in the courtyard. Piercings, tattoos, and dark clothing. He gave me a slight smile his lip ring moving along with it. I forced a smile onto my face and quickly turned away. I looked around the classroom. "There's no other spots, babe, so don't bother" He looked at me with a smirk. I looked at him, he had practically read my mind. "I wasn't...I mean.." I coudn't find the words, something about him scared the hell out of me including his harsh appearance. "Why'd you sit next me?" I randomly asked. "I always sit here, you just happened to sit next me" He smirked.

"Alright class, My name is Mr. Henry and I know what you are thinking. 'like dude we've had you for 3 weeks now, we know who you are. Turn down for what. Swag' but we have knew student today" He said earning laughs. "Why don't you stand up and tell us your name, dear?" He asked. I awkwardly stood and said," I'm Madison Brian." "Ahh yes Madison, what a lovely name. And may I ask where you're from?" "I'm from Detroit" I smiled. "Wow quite a ways, you may sit now" He said. I sat down and bent over to get my backpack. "Nice panties" I heard a whisper in my ear and looked down to see the top of my black laced thong out. I quickly pulled my shirt over it and turned red from embarrassment. I heard him chuckle deeply making me shiver.


The school day was finally over, Brooke came over to help me get everything together. I told her about how that boy today was creepy. "Oh no, Maddy, you don't want to mess with him. He's trouble. That's Conner Delgado." She said with wide eyes. "I'm not meaning to he's just coming onto me." I said. "It's ok. Calm down. He's probably just trying to scare you." She said. "Hopefully" I sighed. We continued to gather my stuff until Brooke went home. Hopefully, she's right. But the problem is I can't seem to get him out of my mind.

OK WOW. WOW. Halp. That was just alot. a lot. not alot. it's a lot. Anyways. Did you like? Well then like it. I'm begging you cuz I'm lonely writing for like no one but myself. But anyways. I know it's not like. DAMN SHE'S A GOOD WRITER. But I'm new ok. Cut me some slack. I'm trying ok. Anyways help me get out there  guys!1!!!11!!!!1 Plz...>..>>.>>>> Oh and, don't hate the mistakes.

You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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