Life in Hell

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Hi my name is Melissa and i am 15 years old, i have brown hair and blue eyes and i am at average height for a 15 year old girl.

One ordinary Thursday after school I was riding home on the bus with my best friend Jessica, Jessica is also 15 years old and she had blond hair and green eyes, she is also at average height for a 15 year old girl.

It seemed like a very very long ride today and I just wanted to get home so I could see my mum and dad, they had just came home from the mainland today when i was at school and I couldn't wait to see them. When the bus got to my bus stop I ran off the bus saying thank you to the bus driver on the way out. I started walking around the corner into my court.

That is when I saw it, My mums house was on fire, I didn't even give myself time to think I quickly chucked my school bag on the ground and started sprinting towards the house. I ran through the door that was wide open and started searching around the house trying to avoid the fire. I ran into the lounge room that's when I saw them lying on the ground burnt so bad.

"Mum, Dad," I yelled running towards them with tears in my eyes. But they were bleeding and they weren't breathing. That's when I realised they weren't alive. But when I was cuddling them for the last time I saw that there was a bullet holes in their head and a gun next too them, But why would someone shoot them.

Then I heard a loud baby cry, then I remembered that mum had my baby sister Jennifer over in the mainland. I ran over to her room but i couldn't get to her because there was a big flame between her and I. Not thinking I ran through the flame burning myself. I grabbed her out of her cot, it was the first time seeing my baby sister and she was so beautiful. I smashed the glass window and jumped out with her.

Then the firemen and the ambulance arrived. They took Jennifer and I to the hospital to check our burns.

Jennifer wasn't burnt too bad but I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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