A round of applause for Sophia, again. People lose their minds to the words coming out of my mouth. I stare at the enthusiastic crowd, and for a moment I can't believe that it's for me. Their hands are clapping for me, the smack of the skin colliding into one another, the deafening, painful screams coming out of their throats. This is all for me. It is a Friday night, and like every other Friday night, I'm performing at La Luna. The most popular nightclub in Amalfi, a beautiful, coastal town in South Italy. My band –composed by a bunch of people I met online- has been getting good reviews. So good that the club owner, Enrico, renews his invitation every weekend.I look at the audience with confidence. Performing at La Luna is just the beginning: I know I'm close to sign a record deal. I know that the entire world will know my name. How do I know? I put determination, perseverance, hard work into my music. But it's more than that. I can't quite explain it. I'm sure I have a gift. Not the gift of the simple talent. I have always known I'm different from the others. The slightest, but palpable awareness of having something that no one has. Ever since I was a little girl, enchanting people with my singing voice comes natural to me. People go into a kind of trance when I start singing. As if they don't want to hear anything but my voice for the rest of their life. Time stands still. I'm completely isolated, staring at strangers being taken into another dimension. Another round of applause interrupts my thoughts. I look at John, the drummer. He is greeting the audience with a quirky smile. We go backstage soon afterwards. Vanessa the bass player suggests going grab a bite, so I get my denim jacket on fast and let down my long platinum blonde hair. As I feel ready to go, John the drummer grabs my waist. He looks at me as though I'm a beautiful dream, and he doesn't want to wake up anymore.

«You were incredible up there. » He says, getting closer to my lips. We kiss, like we kissed yesterday, and the day before yesterday. I can feel his rough beard against my cheek, and I inhale his strong aftershave. John and I had bonded immediately, deciding to start a band and meet for rehearsal. I remember me putting my lips on the microphone to sing, and him putting his lips on mine soon afterwards. «Guys, we deserve a treat. » John says, as he gets away from me. Next second, he gets a Vodka bottle out. The band screams of pleasure, praising the hero of the evening. I'm not attracted to this kind of stuff, at least not anymore. Last time I drank too much, my performance at La Luna was dreadful. From that moment, I decided: my musical career would come before anything else. John kisses me again. Our lips keep moving, until Vanessa interrupts us. She surrounds my shoulders with her long tanned arm, smiling at me. I met her in this very nightclub a long time ago. She's a half-Italian, half-English thrill. I saw her arguing with the singer of her former band, throwing a drink at him. Her sparkly personality attracted me immediately.

«You are amazing, Sophia. How do you do that? »

«Do what? » I ask her.

«I don't know how to explain it. I am just so happy a voice like yours exists. »It is not the first time I hear these words. I have to admit that sometimes, the idea of not being normal worries me. I lie awake at night, thinking about ordinary, normal girls. Some of them have great voices just like me. Some of them are so exceptional that they get everyone's attention, just like me. Thus, I have to be an ordinary girl too. As I grab my purse to get out, Enrico the club owner calls my name. He must be in his mid-thirties, and must have a good number of women chasing after him. He is quite charming, with his dark tan and dashing green eyes.

«Can I talk to you, Sophia? » He says, getting away from the luxurious, illuminated bar counter.

«Sure. »

«I've got great news for you. » He gazes into my eyes. «I've set up an audition for your band on Sunday. I met this record producer in my other nightclub in Positano and I showed him a video of you performing. He was completely mesmerized by your voice. His name is Martin Soto. »

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