the house

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When sonia and her friends Angela and Fernanda were back in school they always talked about moving in with eachother. When ever they had sleepovers Fernanda says that "this is how its going to be like when we move in with a eachother its going to be like a sleepover everyday" when they graduated from high school they said to eachother, "lets wait for 2 months and then we can start looking for a house ". Well when those 2 months flew away they went at an icecream shop to meet up and find a house. They looked and looked but they couldn't find the right house, so they decided to look again tomorrow. The next day they met up at the icecream shop again to look for the right house, they drove for hours until they came across this house close by from a cemetery.

Angela and Sonia were talking if they should get the house while Fernanda was in the back seat having second thoughts, as they came out of the car to see the house Fernanda had sworn she seen someone in there starring at her from the window on the top floor. She told Sonia that she seen someone in the window but when sonia looked there was nobody there. Fernanda was a little scared about the house, Sonia and Angela had made the decision in getting the house but Fernanda doesn't like that idea so she told them that they should keep looking, Fernanda shut up we are getting this house said Sonia, Fernanda gave her a sigh and walked back in the car and they drove off. A few weeks later they began to pack up there stuff, they were nearly finished.
Couple days later they were all set to move out they all said bye to there families it was hard for them but they kept strong and left.

When they arrived to the house the uhaul truck also arrived they started unpacking stuff into the house right away Fernanda felt a dark presence she really didn't like the feeling of it at all but she didn't want to tell the girls so she kept on helping, by the end of the day they had everything in the house Angela was unpacking stuff in her room when she heard foot steps across the hall from Sonia's room, she asked Sonia if she had walked to the bathroom she said no and kept unpacking, sonia didn't really pay attention to whatever it was. Fernanda was im the kitchen making food from the stuff that she brought from her parents home, she was making an egg sandwich when she bit into it she had seen a shadow that ran from her room to the living room on the bottom floor.

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